Some Moms are Fun Moms. And then there’s ME.

Yesterday my friend Andrea and I were talking (yes, this is the same Andrea whose house and dog Joshua puked all over. Yes, we are still friends. We were at a park yesterday so there was no need to worry about Joshua hurling all over her carpet or newborn baby. Anyhoo.) about my recent vacation to Virginia, and I was saying that when I go on vacation, I like to just lay around. I prefer if that “laying around” happens on a beach, but Virginia was good too. I mean we took the kids for short outings to the creeks and rivers and other places where they could play, but no more than two hours long at a pop. Andrea agreed and she also likes a lazy vacay. She vacations each year in Florida, but, she said, “I have no interest in going to Disney World or anywhere like that.”

“Me neither!” I agreed. “Emily took Kate though. She’s crazy!”

Sorry Karen, but the thought of going to Disney World with my kids makes me want to jump off a bridge. Nothing against you, good folks at Disney! I would LOVE to go with my husband or with Emily and kick it Disney-style for a day (and then spend the rest of vacation laying around) but I am waaaay too lazy to take my kids there. Besides, I think they should wait until they are older to truly enjoy the magic. My parents took me when I was six and the only thing I remember about it is that the guy dressed up as Captain Hook scared the bejeebers out of me and my Dad almost clocked him ’cause he wouldn’t leave me alone! I don’t want a hug, you gimpy pirate! Leave me alone!

Emily, on the other hand, is a fun mom. As I mentioned, she and Andy took Kate to Disney when Kate was three and she had the time of her life! And I think they actually had fun, too. Unless they are just lying to save face. Which is what I would have to do.

Andrea and I continued or conversation by focusing on local spots to avoid. The first one that sprang to mind was an amusement park I loved to go to when I was young, which is about an hour away from our house, Kings Island. “Oh yeah,” I said, “You couldn’t pay me to take the kids to Kings Island. I know Emily has taken Kate there though.” Andrea agreed that she too would rather go on Fear Factor than take her kids to Kings Island. Too much waiting in long lines in the sun with people whose kids are not nearly as innocent and sheltered as ours are! And lots of teenagers making out everywhere. And more tie-dye than is healthy in one locale.

Just a mere 8 hours later at about 8:30, I got a text message from Emily on my cell. Here is what it said: “We are at Kings Island and we are in line for the Beastie for the 4th time today. I am too old for this.” I was all by myself, but I totally cracked up. I had no idea when I was having that conversation with Andrea earlier, that Emily was actually AT Kings Island at that exact moment with her hubby, 4-year-old, and 10-week-old!! She was at the very place I said I wouldn’t be caught dead at! Because apparently she and Andy don’t mind torturing themselves so that their kids can have fun! Who knew??

I called her the next morning and said, “There is just one thing I need to know. I know you were both smoking crack. But which one of you bought it?”

“Actually,” Emily said, “we had a really nice time. One of us stayed with Sam and one of us rode rides with Kate.”

A nice time. Riiiight. Keep telling yourself that, Em. And keep on smokin’ that crack! I’m sure it helps!

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15 Replies to “Some Moms are Fun Moms. And then there’s ME.”

  1. I’ll do Emily one better….my sister thought it would be fun to go to King’s Island and have us take the kids, so she booked a hotel room (AT GREAT WOLF LODGE!) and then we’re off to King’s Island the next day….that just happens to
    be JULY 4!!!!!!!!! I’ll let you know if my 2 year old and 6 week old survive!

  2. I completely agree with you- I have no interest in any of the amusement park type places, including Disney until my kid(s) are much much older. That way they can really enjoy and remember it (and carry their own crap around all day). It also comes down to the decision I made to never fly on airplanes while my children are young – again they need to be able to carry their own stuff and walk themselves through the airport before we go anywhere. That’s why our vacations are on the beach, which we drive to!

  3. Isn’t it funny how different people can be? I would rather walk on hot coals than lay around a beach. I don’t even know what you do laying around…sleep? think about things? Hmmm see a beach vacation is wasted on me. We are total Disney, Universal, etc. people. We even went to Disney and Universal for our honeymoon and Ds is only 2 and has been to Disney World 2 times and Disneyland once. 8)

  4. I’m with you. We live within a decent day’s drive to Disney and I’m still going to wait until Aiden will appreciate it and remember it. That place is way too expensive for me to take a toddler!!!!!

  5. I agree with you. We made the mistake of taking both kids to King’s Island last year. Tommy did not understand the concept of waiting in line, nor was he particularly interested in any of the rides. What did I expect of an almost two-year-old? Fortunately, we had a hotel room because my husband had a meeting right in the middle of the day. Needless to say, we never made it back to King’s Island that day. The relaxation of naptime in the hotel was too refreshing to brave the heat and long lines again. Disney is something I don’t even want to think about. My memories of it as a child were that it was no big deal (I was in middle school). It’s way too much money and effort for something my kids may or may not enjoy! When you have little kids, I agree that laying around on vacation is something you need. We do the beach house in Outer Banks which is lots of fun for us. Your kids are happy to have your attention no matter where you take them!

  6. I always knew I liked Emily better! HA HA HA

    And I so totally agree with Crystal. I’d rather have pokers shoved in my eye than lay around on a beach. Ick.

    We’ve been taking the kids to amusement parks since they were wee little. Now we go to Disney at least twice a year. And hopefully soon we’ll be going more often (if we can finagle it)

    And, should you ever smoke some crack and want to do Disney, I insist you talk to me first. I can tell you how NOT to make it a nightmare. You might even have to come back and admit you had a little bit of fun if you do it MY way! πŸ™‚

  7. Karen and Emily – I need DISNEY POINTERS! What is the best way to do it?

    Planning on going in late August.

    No laying around lollygagging for us!

  8. First, thanks for sharing the puke story-I was laughing so hard my 4yo desperately wanted to know why. Never mind, honey!
    I can either be beach-y or get lost for days in Disney World! We *highly* recommend the Disney Vacation Club. But I digress…..
    Lori asked about Disney pointers, so I just wanted to share:
    http://www.allearsNET.COM (yes,, lol)
    LOADS of reviews, pointers, etc. Plus-use “Fast Pass” whenever possible!
    Enjoy-we sure do!! (hopefully going for 2wks next year thanks to DVC)

  9. Two years ago, when the kids were four and seven, we had a season pass that was good for Kings Island, Cedar Point, Geauga Lake…all the Ohio parks. That got to be a little much. Every free weekend, we were at an amusement park. But, two weeks ago, we took them to Cedar Point for a weekend and we all had a blast! It’s not as bad as you think! And, Kings Island has a great kids area (as in toddlers).

  10. I love Kings Island and Cedar Point, etc. We always go a couple times each year. While we have never taken Ace because he is too young to enjoy any of it, I think it would be fun!

    I’ve been thinking about taking him this year and letting him run around the kids waterpark there. Guess I will find out after the first visit whether I am fun or not… πŸ˜€

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