You Gotta Know When to Hold ‘Em, Know When to Fold ‘Em

Photo by Hop-Frog

It’s been a couple of weeks since I’ve posted about how I’m feeling. (Quick recap: birth control pills made me crazy and depressed.) The answer is complicated. I stopped taking the first pill I was on and after a few days I started to feel somewhat like my old self. I even taught a coupon class one night and it was really fun. I started taking a new pill – the one I was on five plus years ago before I had Joshua. For a few days I felt ok, mostly back to normal, but after about a week, I started feeling sick again. The nausea and headaches started, and along came lack of appetite and being unable to eat certain things. It really did feel like I was about eight or nine weeks pregnant! (I am not, I promise you.) Then Wednesday in the late afternoon, it started happening again. The depression covered me like a blanket made of steel. I couldn’t get out from under it, no matter how hard I tried to push it aside. I sobbed while I made my kids peanut butter sandwiches for dinner, and after my husband got home, went up to our bedroom to be alone.

And there alone in my bed I made a decision. I just cannot take the pill anymore. I can’t even think about going back to that dark place I was in. Maybe I can try again in a few months, but right now I need to be able to get back to me. I will just deal with my crazy hormones without adding any in to make them crazier. I just want to feel normal again, and not be afraid of what tomorrow is going to hold because of some medication I am taking. Because after how bad I felt Wednesday night, I just can’t do that to myself anymore. It’s not worth it.

So, there ya go. I give. I am crying “uncle”. I just hope I can put myself back right. It may require me going to CVS and buying six 12-packs of Mountain Dew, but I’m prepared to make the sacrifice if I have to.

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25 Replies to “You Gotta Know When to Hold ‘Em, Know When to Fold ‘Em”

  1. The pill isn’t worth all that, so I’m glad you’re cutting yourself some slack. Maybe after your hormones are back to normal for awhile you can try again??? In the meantime, get back on da dew…a girl needs an outlet, yanno!

  2. I was thinking I would never go back on the pill already, and seeing how it has affected you, I’m set on following through.

    ((((hugs))) Hope you are back to your sweet self, soon.

  3. I’ve never taken birth control (we use NFP), but I have several friends who had the same or similar problems and eventually gave up on the pill completely. They’ve all gone to NFP with great success- but I know it’s not for everyone (I don’t want to sound pushy!).

    Best of luck and I hope you feel better soon. This has quickly become one of my favorite mommy blogs. 😀

  4. The pill gave me migraines – and even after my hubby got fixed I tried the pill for my horrendous cramps. Then realized I’d much rather have cramps than migraines. It’s not worth it. Not for me. Nope.

  5. If drinking Mountain Dew makes you feel like yourself, then GO FOR IT GIRL!!!!! 🙂 Thinking of you.

  6. I know you are trying to stay away from the Mtn Dew but this is crisis mode. Go get the Mtn Dew (@ CVS of course, cause it’s on sale w/ ECB’s) and enjoy it. And if when you are back to normal you decide to stop again, then you will be better adjusted to do it.
    Good luck!

  7. Sounds like just the right decision – I’m glad you’ve figured out what to do. Maybe you could get just a little bit of Mt. Dew, but not necessarily six 12-packs? I mean, in a situation like this, compromise is necessary, right? 🙂

  8. I have been using an IUD (Mirena) since i had my second son. I am on my second IUD, they last 5 years,and its the best decision i ever made. I m pretty forgetful when it comes to pills, and the IUD is the most uncomplicated birthcontrol EVER. Plus they are really safe. And easily removed, when you want another child. Look into it, it might work for you.

  9. Jenny – I’m glad you know what was causing it and had the self-awareness to recognize the cause and effect on you.

    It’s scary to think how many women suffer the same symptoms (or worse) and don’t see the connection.

    Crack a Dew open for me and chug it!

  10. Just found your site from Sarcastic Mom, love it!

    Good for you to realize this just isn’t working for you. I was on the pill for years and had a few problems here and there, once with a new pill that made me crazy. But I know loads of people that simple cannot take it, the hormones are just not right for them.
    Plus there’s so many options these days, why suffer?

  11. I highly, highly recommend a book called Taking Charge of Your Fertility

    It is an amazing book and is highly regarded in natural pregnancy planning/avoiding circles. Not only does it tell what (not) to do, but it is also an excellent guide to women’s health. After I read it, I felt very empowered by my knowledge about my own body. I always know which day I ovulated (ie can get pregnant within that time frame) as well as exactly which day I will have my period. It is excellent for planning as well as for deciphering weird “girl” problems.

  12. Hey,

    I have a memory of that feeling. Maybe that’s why my kids are so far apart. We just used condoms and it seemed to work. I have heard the argument that condoms are like, “showering with your rain shoes on”. But I know that there are many more things you could try. Hangeth thou in there.

  13. Lots of love to you 🙂 . It sounds to me like I wise decision. You know your body best. Besides the “clip clip” option for Bobby previously mentioned, you might also want to talk to your provider about Mirena. If you were my patient, I would present it to you as an option….

  14. Wow, the pill can really do a number on us. I know. My hormones are very sensitive. I once was on a terrible pill and threw a high heeled shoe at my ex-husband over something really dumb. Good choice for you. Good luck finding alternatives.

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