Your self-esteem boost for the day.

In my never-ending quest to make all of you feel better about yourselves by showing you the dumb stuff I do, I give you this.

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What is that, you ask?

That is all of the food that I took out of my refrigerator last night and threw away because it was too old to eat.

And by “too old,” I mean like yogurt from March 2012.

Did you know that jalapenos eventually mold? They do.

Similarly, did you know that apples from McDonald’s don’t mold? It’s true. They just curl a little around the edges.

Let’s see, what else did I learn? Strawberries shrink, cheese sticks get hard as rocks, and leftovers never get eaten.

So there you have it, folks – a self-esteem boost AND a science lesson.

You never know what pearls of wisdom you’ll find on Mommin’ It Up.

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4 Replies to “Your self-esteem boost for the day.”

  1. I cleaned out my small pantry recently and tossed over 2 tall trash bags of expired food. Even food that had moved in with us in 2010 and was already expired when we moved. You are not alone. (My MIL frequently cleans my fridge for me though)

  2. A few weeks ago, I threw out some corn bread mix that expired before we moved into our house – 6 years ago. You are not alone. 😉

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