A Family Celebration

A week ago today, my daddy turned 70. This past weekend, we had a small party. Just our family, but as usual, we had as my dad likes to say, “a big time”. Before the festivities, my dear friend Tess came and took some pictures. We had hoped that Jonah was finally of an age where we might actually get a good picture of all nine of my parents’ grandchildren together. Happily, it worked out! (Also happily, my mom and dad’s house is next to a church with some picturesque architecture.)

Brads Family 1
The Brads grandkids, age 17 to 3.
Brads Family 4
My parents with their 9 grandchildren.
Brads family 3
This one of Jonah is obviously, my favorite!

All last week as I pondered my Daddy’s milestone, it was not without being aware of how blessed I am to still have my parents with me. Monday, Sophie’s former speech therapist’s mom passed away unexpectedly. My heart broke all week for this special girl and her sisters and their dad. Wednesday, my dad’s actual birthday, I posted “Happy 70th birthday to my Daddy! I love you so much!” A few hours later, I read, “Today is my daddy’s funeral.” on another Facebook friend’s status. And Saturday, the day of my dad’s birthday party, was the 3-year anniversary of my friend E’s dad’s death.

Though I know none of these friends begrudged my family our celebration, I still felt a bit guilty. But I quickly shook that off. The only way to feel, I know, is thankful.

I am thankful that I have such awesome, loving parents. That they love not only their children and grandchildren, but each other so well.

Brads Family 8

Brads Family 5
My much older brothers, my parents, and me.

Brads Family 9

Five years ago on my father’s 65th birthday I wrote sort of an ode to him, and I know he reads it from time to time. I’m glad those words are there, and they are as true today as they were five years ago. I have the best Dad any child could’ve asked for, and beyond that, my family – my mother and brothers and sisters-in-law and nieces and nephews and of course my husband and children is about as ideal as it could possibly be. And then there are my grandparents and aunts and uncles and cousins that are the icing on the familial cake. I seldom feel as blessed or as happy as I do at a family party, with all my favorites in one place. I mean my teenage nieces and nephews are so great, you guys, they have taken the edge off of the paralyzing fear I feel about being the mother of a teenager one day. And when you take a close look at Sophie, you know that’s quite an accomplishment.

When I think about my family, I think that it’s true that I was born honestly born with everything I’d ever need in life. Two parents who loved the Lord and loved each other, two brothers to teach me how to laugh and have unshakeable self-confidence, and a loving extended family to teach me, among other things, the importance of appreciating that family can equal friends. All of that led to what I have now. Trust in a God who loves me no matter what my circumstances, a wonderful husband who loves me despite myriad flaws, and three beautiful kids who love me because I feed them (I kid, I kid. Sort of.)

I love my family. I’m glad we make time to celebrate together. I’m glad that we take time to laugh together.

And most of all, I’m really glad that all of us finally text. I mean, all those phone calls were getting pretty laborious. (Kidding again! This was getting too deep.)

Happy birthday, Dad! Thanks for leading our family so well for all these years. I love you!

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