Last Round!

Hey, remember my friend E? Maybe you’ve been praying for her as she has battled Ovarian Cancer.  Maybe, like hundreds of others, you gave E five to help her financially.  Maybe you’ve now become addicted to her blog. (Because it’s really awesome and funny!  Her kids do incredible stuff to her house during naptime. Really.)

Remember my friend E?  She’s pretty unforgettable!  And so is her sweet family.

Yesterday, E started her LAST round of intensive chemo!!  A week from today, that round, and these months of intensive hair-stealing, nauseating, depression-causing chemo will be O-V-E-R.  Can I get a “WOOT WOOT”?  She’s made it through by God’s grace and her cancer numbers are looking great – down in the single digits.

One of the amazing things about E is that through her blog she has let all of us see the good days and bad days she has as she goes through this. She is real. She is sharing her fears and her failures.  She is sharing her joys and her successes.  She is sharing her hard stories.  And that’s how we learn from each other.  We don’t learn much from a “brave face”.  Thanks for being real, my friend.

Two days before she finishes this round, she will celebrate her 39th birthday.  Will you join me in praying that she is able to celebrate many, many more here on earth with her friends and family?

We know God’s plan is perfect, and we pray it includes the desire of our hearts, that E is cured of ovarian cancer.  That’s what we’re asking for. Will you ask that with us?

Thank you for praying.  Thank you for caring.  Thank you for giving!

I can’t wait to post pictures of her “chemo’s-over” party!

Love you, E!

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2 Replies to “Last Round!”

  1. Happy Birthday, Elizabeth and many more! I read her blog regularly and she is an inspiration.

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