Wide Awake

The past three nights I have slept very lightly, which used to be the norm, but since I’ve been drugging myself, is a rarity. I’m not sure why this is occurring, but I’d like to go back to my drug-induced coma thankyouverymuch. This morning about 4 a.m. when Joshua crawled into our bed, I was unable to go back to sleep. Usually I barely even notice when he does this thanks to good old Ambien CR, but for some reason it’s taken a break from leaving me blissfully drooling away while my kindergartener steps on my head. NOT COOL, Ambien CR, NOT COOL.

I lay in bed for awhile observing things I have forgotten during my brief respite from being constantly awake in the middle of the night. For instance, we have a security light in our backyard that is triggered by movement. So if Joe Burglar decides to come in the back door, he is going to get a really bright light in his FACE and hopefully run away scared. Since our bedroom faces the back of the house, I would often see the light come on at night. I’d forgotten that. I saw it come on several times this morning, on and off, on and off, each flip of the bulb taking me by surprise. This is not because Joe Burglar was prowling around, but because we got critters, y’all. City critters. Our yard is home to many squirrels during the day, and sometimes a cute bunny rabbit or two, but at night hosts some skeerry creatures such as hardened city possum and street raccoons. I am pretty sure they have gang wars over our trash can. Said creatures’ attempt to get to our trash dumpster all night long (there’s nothing good in there, I swear!) leads to the fantastic light show I once again got to witness this morning.

Side note: the trash dudes broke the handle on our trash dumpster. As we now have a new mayor since the elections on Tuesday, I think his first order of biz-niss should be gettin’ me a new dumpster. That’s right, Gary Leitzell, I am talkin’ to you. I voted for change! Now change my dumpsta! Ok, I’ll be honest. I voted for you because you were not your challenger, and so far as I have seen, you don’t wear weird hats or assymetrical glasses like she does. But please can I have a new trash can anyways?

And some SLEEP? Can I have some sleep please? Because this train wreck of a post is what happens when I get none!

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8 Replies to “Wide Awake”

  1. Sleep is one of the most precious things in life. Chainsaw, earth-moving, tornado snoring is a minus! Garbage truck, a minus, paper boy’s gawdawful c-rap station a minus, yard critters, a minus, barking dogs…and on and on and on…can you tell I didn’t sleep much either?

  2. Well, I took your advice and got some melatonin. And yes, it does get me nice and sleepy, I have been up every hour on the hour for the last 2 nights! You witness a lot around the house at the wee hours of the morning, including the snoring of the hubs – fast asleep, not a care in the world! AHHH if I could only sleep that way :-). Next time call me, I will be up and ready to talk!

  3. You and I were lying awake at the same time for the same reason! Except my son dragged me back to his bed. You know the same thing happened to me with Ambien CR. I finally stopped taking it and, believe me, it was hard.

  4. Maybe there is a group like Big Possums Little Possums in your area where calm, mature possums will mentor young, thug-like possums and steer them right.

    Or maybe your new mayor can put organization into action, just after the dumpster handle is taken care of.

    Just a thought.

  5. ahhh yes, lets talk about how our husbands sleep SO well at night???? I don’t get it?? How do they do that!?

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