Sammy’s Addiction and a Plea for Feedback

Sammy comes from a long, long line of baseball fanatics. In fact, we went to Michigan on Friday and the whole way up there I was busy transcribing text messages between Andy and my dad about the trades all the teams were making before the trade deadline. At least I think that’s what they were about. In any case, while Sam’s eventual interest in baseball was to be expected, I didn’t expect it to start at 16 months old.

Earlier today, Andy was trying to keep Sam occupied and said “I’ll put on a show for you” as he picked up the remote (that would be the first time Sam was ever exposed to tv. Of course we do not let our under-the-recommended-age-of-two-years-old child get any screen time! *ahem*). Sammy got super excited and said “I want baseball!”

I am pretty sure I saw a tear of pride in Andy’s eye.

Sam freaks out when he notices baseball on tv (and most recently, on the radio in the car) and a few days ago I happened to catch it on video. (Don’t mind the small words in front of his face. I will spare you the boring explanation and just say in short that it’s there because I’m a moron.)

In other news, apparently this weekend Mommin’ It Up went from delivering a partial RSS feed to a full feed, which means that our subscribers can now read our entire posts from their Google (or whatever) readers, instead of seeing the first few lines and then having to click over to our site to read the rest.

I’m not sure if Jenny made this happen or if there was a glitch, but apparently, this is a very big deal. We had no idea it was an issue, but several of our readers have expressed their happiness at this change, which is awesome. We’re glad we (or a computer bug. Or a hacker) could oblige.

Here’s the thing. We heart our readers and want to keep you happy. We are also rather clueless in many arenas. So if there’s something we’re not doing and we should be doing or something that we are doing that drives you bonkers or anything, please tell us. We want to be as reader friendly and un-annoying as possible.

So if there’s something you’ve been dying to tell us, please do! Leave a comment, send us an email, whatever!

I’ll even give you a writing prompt. Here we go.

If I could change one thing (or 10 things) about Mommin’ It Up, it would be…

Your turn!

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10 Replies to “Sammy’s Addiction and a Plea for Feedback”

  1. Baseball, football, soccer, rugby, most boys will watch anything with a ball in it…I’m addicted to college and high school football. Donovan watches golf!

    Secondly, “Momminitup” is flawless the way it is…I’m sure it will evolve and maybe even improve over time…but both of you do a great job, and my day isn’t complete until I’ve clicked on my favorites button and scrolled down (two lines) to your link! Keep on keepin’ on!


  2. We are a huge baseball family! My daughter loves to watch games with us.

    Well, if I had to make one change to Momminitup, I would have you change to a full-feed rather than a partial feed. yours is one of the very few blogs that I will bother to read even though it has a partial feed, just because I love you so much. But if you stay full-feed, I would be very happy. It’s just easier that way. 😀

  3. I made the full feed work…somehow. I mean, I’ve tried it 90 million times before but it finally worked this time! Thanks to our readers who have stuck with us thru the partial feed. Hopefully it will never go back!

    And Sammy is the cutest! I am sure his cousin Charles is very proud of his baseball addiction also!

  4. The day my future girl child picks a soccer ball over a baby doll will be the day all my dreams come true.

    The fact that you guys didn’t know about the RSS short feed thing makes me happy. You are normal! LOVE the full feed. Don’t care how it happened, just keep it that way (not that you could change it anyway).

  5. Oh–I did think of one feature I wish you had: a search tool of some kind.

    In my ever-futile quest for a bathing suit this year, I remembered a post that one of you did about the “ultimate swimsuit”. I went through the tags, and ultimately clicked “previous entry” a million times on my search for the blog entry. I never did find it, but it had me wishing for a blog search tool here. So thereyago. My contribution.

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