WFMW: BellaBand

Now that I’ve hit week 13, my pants are getting a bit tight.

Ok, that’s such a lie – my pants were “a bit” tight at negative-three weeks pregnant, so now it’s past the point of no return.

Thank goodness for the BellaBand!

The BellaBand is a fun little contraption that fits around your mid-section. It’s fitted and elasticky (is that a word?) and it’s great for when your pants just won’t button any more. Slide on the BellaBand and you can wear your pants unbuttoned!

The best part is that the BellaBand is helpful at every stage of pregnancy – helping out with the too-tight regular pants, holding up the too-loose maternity pants, making sure your gianormous belly doesn’t peek out under your shirt, and, in the post-partum days, once again helping out with your too-tight regular pants!

The BellaBand comes in lots of different colors. I have the black one with lace trim, and I wear it just about every day. They are for sale in many stores and tons of websites. I bought mine at Mom4Life – free shipping on all US orders – need I say more?

I’m sure this comes as no surprise, but the BellaBand was created by a mom who couldn’t button her pants either… and we all love to support the businesses of other moms, right?

I love my BellaBand – it works for me!

For other great Works for Me Wednesday ideas, check out Rocks in my Dryer.

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This is your brain on Pregnancy. Any questions?

It’s official – I am a victim of pregnancy brain.

I don’t know if all my blood is flowing to my uterus and not my head or what, but I am seriously dumb these days.

I just can’t think.

I can’t remember words – I’ve been dangerously close to having a smaller vocabulary than Kate for about a year now, but in the last 13 weeks she has definitely pulled ahead. I find myself stopping mid-sentence because I have no idea what comes next.

This “word problem” makes it rather difficult to hold conversations, too. Combine that with the fact that I just can’t think of anything to say, and it adds up to me having the personality of a telephone pole.

This absent-mindedness (to say the least) is starting to become dangerous… this weekend I cruised straight through a stop sign – didn’t even see it until it was in the rear-view mirror – and then the next day I turned right on red without so much as a pause.

Let’s all hope that I can get through the rest of this pregnancy without losing my job, alienating my friends and wrecking my car!!

Oh, and please tell me it gets better… Jenny just laughed at my affliction and told me that “I-have-two-kids brain” makes pregnancy brain look minor!

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WFMW: I need a sling!

Today’s Works for Me Wednesday is a little different… today, instead of offering tips, everyone is asking for one.

So here’s mine… I need help figuring out which sling would work best for me and the new baby.

I don’t know what kind of information you all need to make your recommendation, but here’s a few things… Being able to nurse in the sling is a must. It would be nice if it were something my husband could wear, too. The baby is going to be born in April, so something light weight and cool would be nice for the spring and summer. Price is a bit of an issue, but I don’t mind spending $ to get a quality sling, especially since our list of baby stuff to buy is significantly shorter than last time!

I don’t know anything other than that! If there’s crucial info you need that I haven’t supplied, leave a comment and let me know. I can’t wait to see what sling will ‘work for me!’ 🙂

Don’t forget to check out Rocks in my Dryer and share your knowledge this week!

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