Walt Disney was right…

Last weekend, I was perched along side the Disney marathon route waiting for Andy to run by, when I happened to glance at one of the other runners. “That’s weird,” I thought to myself, “That looks like Pepper.” Pepper (which is not her real name, but the real one is equally unique) was, years ago, a regular poster on a messageboard that I have lurked on since I found out I was pregnant with Kate.

It struck me as odd, but I didn’t give it another thought until we were at the “Family Reunion Area” after the race, when I saw her again. This time I was able to catch a glance at her runner’s bib, and sure enough, “Pepper” was printed across it.

It was so weird – she was a perfect stranger, yet I knew her name, the names of her kids, where she was from, when she started running, and various other bits of information about her. However, she would never, ever look at me and realize I had that knowledge, because all I do is lurk on that board.

I was so shocked, and quite freaked out, by this incident… but I couldn’t tell my friends without seeming like some sort of scary internet stalker, so I kept my surprise to myself (that is, until I could find the time to text Jenny!).

It was a big reminder to me that whatever we put on the Internetz is totally out there, and who knows how many people are reading it. I don’t mean for this to sound like a warning of impending doom or anything like that, it is just so odd to think that any of us could be minding our own business running a half marathon and be recognized by some random person from Ohio.

Totally weird.

Sing it with me now – “It’s a small world after all, it’s a small world after all…”

It’s a small freaky world after all.

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Christmas Break

Hey all, Emily and I are taking a couple of days off from blogging for Christmas. I know, I know, very lazy of us. But don’t worry! When we return I will regale you with the happenings at the family Christmas we had at my mom & dad’s this weekend with my brothers & their families. It will be well worth the wait! Just a teaser…the highlights of the day included banging on the roof, my dad’s ear hairs, and my brother’s belly button lint. Yee-haaaa!

Merry Christmas everyone and may you truly feel God’s love for you as you celebrate the birth of His Son!

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Aw, shucks!!

Emily and I have been truly honored to receive some blog awards from our blogging buddies lately, but we have been remiss in not recognizing them! So I’m gong to take the time to say a big THANK YOU and pass these awards along to other deserving bloggers!


First up is the “Out of this World” award which we received from Deb at Mom of 3 Girls. We think she is pretty Out of this World Herself! This post is a great example of the kind of fun you’ll find at her blog.

We’d like to pass this along to Crystal at Money Saving Mom. She has helped me personally save A LOT of MOOLAH, and I’ll be posting more about that later this week! Thanks Crystal and Congrats!


Next is the “You Rock the Crib” award. This award was invented by the amazing Nap Warden and awarded to us by my favorite stalkee, Jill at the Diaper Diaries. Jill is a big nerd, yet for some reason I want to be JUST LIKE HER. It’s weird. ANYHOO – we want to pass this along to Amy the Crunchy Domestic Goddess. And not just because I won this sweet Mommy Blogger t-shirt from her in the Fall Y’all Bloggy Giveaway (get your own at her Cafe Press store!), but because she is an activist mama who gets up and does stuff to make a difference! Check out her Holiday Toy Guide if you’re sick of buying poisonous China-made stuff for your kids.


We also received the “Nice Matters” award for the second (sniff! sob!) time! This time it came from Summer of Our Family Village. Thanks Summer! Check out Summer’s links, she is a busy blogger mama! We’d like to pass this along to the incredible Dizzi Lizzi, who is not only nice, and funny, and veeerrry good with Photoshop, but also a fellow Buckeye! Woot Woot!


Next is the “You Make Me Smile” award, given to us by that Super Action Hero, Busy Dad! Thanks BD and back atcha! I’ve gotta give this award to the Fabulous Mrs. Fussypants. There is always something cracking me up on her blog, such as her tagline “We can’t both look good! It’s either me or the house!” Ahhh, Fussy, I think we were separated at birth!


Hang in there Troopers, we are almost to the end! Our final award is the prestigious Egel Nest Blog Award of Eggsellence! It was given to us by Mr. Bradley Egel himsef! Thanks Bradley! We are truly honored. This award is designed to help bring traffic to new, outstanding blogs, and we are passing it along to Julie aka Calm Mama at The Calm Before the Stork. Julie became a first-time mom last Monday, November 26th when baby Jonah appeared a couple of weeks early!! She began blogging early in her pregnancy and her blog is a great, fresh, fun persepective on being a frist-time prego, and now a first-time mom. Due to the fact that she just popped a kid out a week ago, she hasn’t been doing too much blogging this week but will be employing some fabulous guest bloggers (including perhaps, yours truly!) In the meantime, check out her archives. You’ll be glad you did! Congrats Julie and take good care of yourself and that little man!

Shew! I am now giving myself the “you’re done with this post award”. And if you made it all the way through…you get it too!

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