Two-timing at the drug store

Happy Monday! I didn’t make it out to go drugstore whoring  coupon shopping until Friday last week, so today you’re getting treated to last week’s shopping trip and this week’s shopping trip. You lucky dogs! Last week I just went to Rite Aid. Here’s what I got:

Last week's Rite Aid trip
Last week’s Rite Aid trip


Two children’s Advil $4.99 each = $9.98

Two Chapstick, 2 for $3

1 Colgate MaxWhite, $3.50

total = $16.48

coupons I used:

-$5 off two Advil Rite Aid coupon that printed on the bottom of my receipt last time I was there

-$2 two $1 off Advil coupons from coupon inserts

-50 cents Colgate coupon from coupon inserts

-$1 Rite Aid Chapstick email coupon

-$1/2 Chapstick coupon from inserts

-$3 +UP Rewards from last Rite Aid shopping trip

= $3.98 plus tax (I can’t remember the tax total and I already tossed my receipt, oops!)

PLUS I got back 75 cents from my ibotta coupon app deposited in my PayPal account! AND I got back $1 +Up Reward for the Chapstick and $3 +UP for the toothpaste,  making this transaction MORE THAN FREE. Weeeee!

(P.S. You should really sign up for ibotta if you haven’t already! The coupons are awesome and high-value! Sign up here.)

Armed with my 4 +UP Rewards, I returned to Rite Aid Sunday to get some more deals. Here’s how it shook out:

This week's Rite Aid trip
This week’s Rite Aid trip

Tresemme shampoo and conditioner, two for $7

Two Ragu pasta sauce two for $3

Colgate Optic White toothpaste, $2.99

total = $12.99

coupons I used:

-$3.50 BOGO free Tresemme coupon from RedPlum 1/27 insert

– 40 cents/2 Ragu coupon from same insert

-$4 +UP Rewards from Friday’s transaction

=$5.09 + 70 cents tax = $5.79

I got back $2 +UP Rewards from the Tresemme, $1 from the Ragu and $1 from the Colgate, plus $1 from my ibotta coupon app deposited in my PayPal account for the Colgate as well. So basically that cost me 79 cents. WHAT UP!

Now, on to CVS. I had 4 CVS Extra Care Bucks that I needed to use, so I decided to buy some soda for Joshua’s upcoming birthday party next weeeknd.

7UP products. It’s for the family, I’ll have to buy myself a 2 liter of Dew. 🙂

Twelve-packs of 7UP products were 3/$10 with 4 ECBs back, so that’s what I did. Not too exciting! I used my 4 ECBs I already had, paid $6.70 with tax, and got back another 4 ECBs. Cheap soda FTW!

Well, that’s what I did at the drugstore this week! Have you been coupon shopping yet this week? What deals are you gonna get?


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In which I start taking picture of my groceries again

2011 was a rough year for many coupon-lovers like myself.  Thanks to the coo-coos on Extreme Couponing, lots of retailers cracked down on the amount of deals they offered and tightened up their coupon policies.  Even my beloved Kroger now limits the number of like coupons they will double to five. WAAH!

But anyhoo, between having a new baby and dealing with Sophie’s delays, I didn’t have time to coupon as well as I would have liked.  Oh, I still did my very best, but I had to give up the old coupon binder for awhile.  I still carefully planned my grocery trips every week and clipped what I needed, but  I just felt like the opportunities to save just weren’t there.  And since the sales just weren’t there, our grocery and household items budget went up by quite a bit in 2011.  It was discouraging!

Now that Jonah is older and Sophie is back on track, I have more time to devote to my coupons again.  So, if the stores will just cooperate, I want to slash my budget again!  SO far in 2012 I’ve done pretty well.  I’ve got my binder back up and running, and a recent mega-event sale at Kroger really got me on a great savings path!  Today I hit both CVS and Rite Aid for a couple small deals, which reminded me that:

So, I think I am going to try to start posting my shopping trips again. I shall try to revive the “See Jenny Shop” page, and hopefully I’ll have something good to put there! To get me going, here’s what I got at CVS today:

I likes me some Suave! CVS had a deal, buy $12 worth and get $4 extra care bucks.  And the Zarbees cough syrup was free after ECBs.

2 Suave Professionals shampoo/conditioner $4

3 Suave body wash $6

1 Suave deodorant $1

2 Suave kids shampoo/conditioner $3

Zarbees cough syrup $6

total = $20


$1/2 Suave Professionals

$1/2 Suave Kids

Buy 2 get one free Suave body wash -$2

8 extra care bucks

=$8.40 including tax, got back 4 ECB for the Suave and 6 ECB for the Zarbees, so 10 total for next time!  Let’s just hope there are some decent deals next week so I can keep regaling you with pictures of my shampoo and my brother’s lady deodorant!


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See Jenny Shop!

Ok, so, if you’ve been reading this blog for any decent length of time (and really, if you haven’t been, go back and read the archives they’re thrilling!) you know I loooooves me some coupons, some drugstore and grocery deals.  And I love posting about them!

But, I don’t love covering up all of our other drivel brilliant content with my bragging posts about what I bought at CVS today.

*So* I have devised a solution, thanks in part to my supa-smart friend Andrea at MommySnacks.  I am going to start posting all my daily deals in a category called “See Jenny Shop”.  I’ve got a pretty “See Jenny Shop” button in our sidebar that looks like this:

You can click on it every day to see my latest drugstore score! And even some of my hot online shopping deals.   And it won’t clog up the main content on Mommin’ It Up.  So head on over to see what I bought today!!

And don’t forget to click on See Jenny Shop every day to see what I’ve been stealing up to. 🙂

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