Down Syndrome Awareness Month *rocks*!

The month is already halfway over and this is the first I’ve posted about it being Down Syndrome Awareness month! Shame on ME! Well, don’t worry, to make up for it, I’ll be posting more on the subject on Monday. I just love every sweet, sweet person I know who has DS. And because my heart has recently just become attached to the DS community, I want to share with you some great blogs I’ve recently found that give you a glimpse into the life of parenting a child with Down Syndrome. Here ya go – make sure to check them each out!

Chasing Hazel: The story of a sweet girl born with Down Syndrome

Carrie With Children

Sipping Lemonade

Kelle Hampton: Enjoying the Small Things

I also wanted to share just this quick fact section from the National Association for Down Syndrome website about the learning and development of people with Down Syndrome (READ IT!!) I may bold some really important parts for you. 🙂

Learning & Development

It is important to remember that while children and adults with Down syndrome experience developmental delays, they also have many talents and gifts and should be given the opportunity and encouragement to develop them.

Most children with Down syndrome have mild to moderate impairments but it is important to note that they are more like other children than they are different. Early Intervention services should be provided shortly after birth. These services should include physical, speech and developmental therapies. Most children attend their neighborhood schools, some in regular classes and others in special education classes. Some children have more significant needs and require a more specialized program.

Some high school graduates with Down syndrome participate in post-secondary education. Many adults with Down syndrome are capable of working in the community, but some require a more structured environment.


Did you learn anything? I hope so!! The moral of the story is, people with DS are more like “typical” people (I hate to classify myself as “normal” so I’ll say “typical”) than we generally perceive them to be. So it’s time to change our thinking.

Now, for your tearjerker moments of the day! Thanks to Bridgett from Savings Lifestyle Dayton for sending me this link about a high school soccer team who started their team manager, who has DS in a game and cheered him on. The pictures are amaz-zee-ing!

And finally, this video is about 15 minutes long, but it is an amazing story of a father’s struggle to accept his daughter with Down Syndrome. And when he does accept his child was perfect just the way  she was born, he goes to great lengths to show his pride in her. I hope you watch it! But in case you don’t I want to tell you what he said was his GREATEST fear for his daughter. His greatest fear is that someone will call her retarded.

I have not been able to get that out of my head in the two weeks since I saw the video. I hope you’ll remember that as well.

Think about these parents, these awesome kids, and the adults with DS you know in your community as you read and enjoy all these links. And make an effort to get to know some DS families in your community if you haven’t already! You will learn so much from them. And maybe fall in love a little!

Oh, and don’t forget about the event my friend Emily is having this weekend to raise money for the Miami Valley Down Syndrome Association and Making Strides Against Breast Cancer! Details are here, and she will ship for free if you can’t attend or live out of town. So shop for a cause!!


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Dayton Ladies: An Event You Don’t Want to Miss

So, my friend Emily (not my cousin Emily of co-bloggy fame) is kind of stealing my thunder, but I will let her!  Beacuse it’s for a good cause. You see, October is National Down Syndrome Awareness Month and I looooves me some people with Down Syndrome! So I was going to do a big post about it. And I still will. But in the meantime, my friend Emily is having a fundraising open house here in Dayton and is giving the proceeds to the Miami Valley Down Syndrome Association and the American Cancer Society’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk.  She’s such a DO-gooder!!

Emily is a director with Thirty-One gifts and she’s having a big ol’ open house at her place this Saturday and donating ALL her commission to the two above-mentioned organizations.  When she told me the MVDSA was benefiting, I HAD to help spread the word! Here are all the details:

Thirty-One Customer Appreciation Open House

Saturday, October 20, 2012


-See brand new Fall Product!

-Door prizes with many ways to get entries!

-Extra goodies for hosting your own party.

(Don’t forget only $200 in orders counts you as a party and gets you FREE and ½ price product!)

-As always there will be snacks!

Emily Overturf

2407 Springmont Ave.

Dayton, OH 45420


October Special: Get ½ off a Retro Metro Bag, Retro Metro Tote, NEW Super Organizing Tote, or the Organizing Utility Tote with every $31 you spend!

 Emily is super excited to be donating all of my commission to these two wonderful organizations! So  25% of the cost of everything you purchase will go directly to the Miami Valley Down Syndrome Association and the American Cancer Society: Making Strides Against Breast Cancer.

If you are unable to attend, but still want to help out these great organizations you can make your purchase with the link below and Emily will pay the direct shipping to you and your purchase will still benefit the MVDSA and the ACS Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk!!

You can order online here!

I know I will be helping out these great organizations and doing a little Christmas shopping at Emily’s open house, and I hope you will be too! Feel free to call or email her with questions, and happy shopping!


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We did it!

This weekend my friends and I took part in the Susan G. Komen 3-Day Walk in Philadelphia. It was an amazing experience, and the event raised more than $4.9 million to fund breast cancer research. My feet are slightly worse for the wear and my shoes are in the trash can, but we lived to tell about it… and we’re already planning for next year.

Thanks to everyone who supported me on this journey!

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