Stacy and Clinton – the Next Generation

teaming up

Last week my pal Cortney and I and our kiddos (minus poor Joshua who gets left out of most playdates ’cause he’s at school) met at the mall to give the stir-crazy kiddos some time at the play place. Then, we hit Chick-Fil-A, and Cortney wanted to stop in Gap Kids. (Because she is a *tad* obsessed. It is rumored that her three-year-old wears only Gap underwear. Not that there’s anything wrong with that…)

Anyhoo, while Cortney and her 18-month-old (trapped in the stroller) shopped, I chased our three-year-olds around the store. But pretty soon it turned from chasing into cracking up and taking pictures (sadly my point-and-shoot wasn’t performing too well. But you’ll get the idea.) Sophie and Evan were soon engrossed in examining all the fashions that Gap had to offer. Sophie was picking up shirts and pants and saying about each one. “Is it pretty? Ooh that’s pretty, mama!” Evan was was thoughtfully choosing which color of basketball shorts he liked best. He knows a boy’s gotta look his best when shooting hoops!

Inspector E

perusing the b-ball shorts

Don’t sweat it E, you know your mama’s gonna buy you one in every color!

Sophie, meanwhile, was checking out the girls’ sweatpants. ‘Cause she knows a girl’s gotta look cute when she lounges!

sweatpant selection

And then she moved on to every girl’s love…the shoes!

Plastic Shoes are a MUST this season!

Finally, the two joined forces and started comparing notes. I saw them transform before my eyes into the preschool version of Stacy London and Clinton Kelly from TLC’s What Not to Wear. (which their mamas coincidentally both *love*.)

this top is faaaabulous!

I mean, they weren’t exactly discussing fit and body types yet, but I am pretty sure I heard the words “fabulous” and “drape”.

Pretty sure.

Soon toddler fashion became passe to these two haute couture cuties, and they moved next door to the adult Gap clothes. Sophie was all, “Evan! You MUST see this dark-wash denim!”


Evan immediately spotted some jeans he thought his mama would look good in.

finding the perfect pair

While Sophie told her captive audience about why a great pair of dressy jeans is an essential piece of every wardrobe.


All they need is a mini-Ted and a mini-Carmindy, and they are ready to go! “What Not to Wear to Preschool” would be a GREAT addition to TLC’s lineup – it could come on right after “Toddlers and Tiaras”.

So watch out, Stacy and Clinton! You’ve got some cute competition!

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Fight the Frump: Accessorize!

Fight the frump friday at Blissfully Domestic

It’s Fight the Frump Friday at Blissfully Domestic! You’ll see me participating in this fun carnival fairly often because, well…I write it! You may remember FTF from it’s days hosted at Mrs. Fussypants, but now is has moved to the Style section of Blissfully Domestic. So I hope you’ll support me there and check it out each Friday and leave your own frump-fighting links in the Mr. Linky!

Today my fight the frump tip for you is: ACCESSORIZE! A necklace or a scarf can go a loooong way in making a so-so outfit very chic. Last night I got overdressed to go out for pizza, because you know, when ELSE do I get the chance to dress up, and I really loved my accessories – a long necklace and a scarf. Pardon the crappy picture but self-portraits are not my forte:


Without the scarf and necklace, this outfit would’ve been ok – but just ok. Those accessories really made it stand out and made me feel fun and fabulous.

So Fight the Frump, ladies! Getcha some great, simple, inexpensive accessories and work ’em! And don’t forget to check out the Fight the Frump home page (my chosen topic there was eyebrows!) and leave your link in the Mr. Linky!

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