GimmE Five! Help E Beat Cancer!!

A few weeks ago, you read about my good friend Elizabeth, or as most of us call her, “E”.  I wrote that she had suspicious masses on her ovaries, that she was going to have a complete hysterectomy, and that we were praying that it was not cancer.

The bad news is, when they went in to operate, they found cancer.

The wonderful news is, E’s amazing doctor got it ALL.  Even though there was also some on her colon.  (He got that, too!)  Our God is faithful – we asked for no cancer and her doctor was able to remove it all in one surgery.  And now, to make sure it stays gone, E is going to start a few months of chemotherapy.  Which really sucks, but of course she’s willing to go through it so she can be around for these crazy kiddos:

Turner, 3, Olivia, 5, and Quinn, 3

and this guy…

Steve, 40 (ha ha, sorry  Steve!)

So, God has E and her family on a difficult journey, and we don’t know why.  But we know that he has E in His hands.  We also know what we can do to help.  Which is why Emily and I, along with seven other great bloggers, are asking each of you to GimmE Five! That’s right – we’re asking you to give $5 to help the Koproski family during E’s chemo.   All gifts will be used for expenses incurred by the Koproski family during E’s months of chemotherapy.  Since E is a stay-at-home mom, these expenses will likely include paying for child care, transportation, house cleaning, and grocery shopping but will also likely include many ‘unexpected’ expenses that at this point we cannot imagine, and other things like insurance co-pays, and any adaptive equipment or items that E might need to be comfortable at home. Rest assured that E and Steve are grateful and humbled by this effort and will be the best stewards of your generous gifts.

If you click this beautiful purple button right here (designed by the super-talented Jeremy Loyd of FORGE),  you’ll be directed to Emily’s and my PayPal account, which we have set up to collect donations for E.

We promise to make sure all the money goes right to the Koproski’s,(although PayPal does have some fees, to compensate for those you can give $5.50 if you wish!)  and we’ve started out this effort by giving $100 ourselves (because we are super-awesome, and super-rich.  Or maybe because we wouldn’t ask you to do anything we aren’t willing to do twenty times over). And so, we challenge you to GimmE Five!  Just $5.  But of course you can give more if you are so led. Give so that E and Steve can afford childcare during E’s chemo, so that Steve can go to work and E can spend her precious energy enjoying her kids and not having to wipe butts and make peanut butter sandwiches.  So that she won’t have to worry about getting Olivia to and from school 5 days a week.  So that she can purchase anything she may need to be physically comfortable at home while she is fighting this.  Or, because it could be you or me in her place.

Ovarian cancer hits close to home with us.  E is 38, and the mother of three young children.  She is me, she is you.  Let’s show her she’s not alone!

Above all, E needs prayer.  Prayer for physical healing and strength, but mostly for emotional, mental, and spiritual peace. E trusts God but this is still seriously scary crap.  So please pray for her mind and her heart as well as for her body!

And if you can, GimmE Five.  What a privilege to be able to be a part of God’s provision for this amazing family during this challenging time. THANK YOU for praying.  THANK YOU for caring for my friend.  For following her blog, for praying for her family.  And THANK YOU for giving!

Don’t forget to check out E’s blog here and the blog her friend Susie has set up here for those who want to help.  Let’s do something amazing together!!

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E’s a-bloggin’

For those of you who are now stalking (and hopefully praying for) my friend Elizabeth, she is feeling well enough to BLOG!  I got to visit with her today and she was a real encouragement to me.  Check out her blog here for updates from her. And go back and read the old stuff, too, cause E is really funny and a great writer.  And her kids do some awesome stuff!

Thanks again everyone for caring.  E is in good spirits because of God’s grace and all the PRAYERS of those who love her and those who have never met her.

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Update on E.

E is out of surgery. Unfortunately the Dr. did find cancer, but he is confident that he got it all, praise the Lord!  Please read the update here on E’s  blog, and please keep following her blog so you can know how to pray during these next few weeks.

I don’t understand why this is happening – but I know that it is not for me to understand.  What I DO know is that the Bible tells us to “Count it all joy” when we experience trials (James 1:2).  This is something God has been working on me with for about two months.  And so I am thankful for this trial and for the good that will come from it.  But I am sad, too, sad to see my friend go through something that in many ways is just plain going to SUCK.

So please keep Elizabeth, Steve, Olivia, Turner, and Quinn in your prayers.  And pray that all their needs will be met and that some of us here close might have the blessing of meeting them.

Thanks friends.

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