It’s a Good Thing Drano is so Darn Effective

Earlier this week Emily regaled us with the tale of how she and her family survived her first day back at work after maternity leave. Little did I know that the next day I also would have a harrowing experience to survive. It did not involve the pain of separation from my child, however, but the pain of being with her at the grocery store. It nearly drove me to suicide. But I am getting ahead of myself.

It all started with my bathroom sink. The stupid thing has been threatening to clog for a couple of weeks now, and wouldn’t you know it finally gets up the nerve to go through with it about five hours after my husband goes out of town for work for the week. Soo, bright and early Tuesday morning, the kids and I got ready to go to CVS to score some Drano, among other things. (As a side note, let me set the scene a little more by saying that I recently got my hair cut and for some reason really felt the need to actually style it and wear it down this particular day. Which I had not done in weeks.) Because we certainly would not want to go somewhere else and PAY for our Drano. That would be nuts!! (And as you will see from this story, I am quite rational.) Sophie behaved fairly well at CVS, until checkout time, when, as usual, she decided to try to climb out of the cart. It doesn’t matter whether I have belted her in the front part, or let her sit in the big part, she always tries to climb out. Most of the seat belts in the carts I can’t seem to tighten enough to cut off the circulation in her legs, therefore they are no match for her will to get the hell out of that cart. So, I ended up having to hold her while I was forking over my coupons and ECBs which was very inconvenient.

We made it out of CVS and even though it was already 4,000 degrees at 10:30 a.m. and my lovely hairstyle was making me sweat like a pig, I decided to also go to Kroger while we were out, because we needed bread and fruit and I also wanted to get a couple of good sale items. Oh, and also because I am CRAZY and apparently like to TORTURE myself. I mean really, if I wasn’t so masochistic what would I blog about?

So we went to Kroger. To add to my psychotic behavior, I decided to get my groceries in two transactions so I could use the coupon I’d be getting back on the first order to help pay for my second order. The first transaction was Kool-aid and peanuts. (LOOK, I will explain that on Super Savings Saturday, I swear there is a method to my madness!) When I got to the checkout, Sophie was in the big part of the cart with Joshua and she had a Kool-Aid packet in each hand. I told the cashier that I had 12 Kool-Aid packets and asked her to scan a couple of the other ones twice so I didn’t have to take the packets out of Sophie’s hands and listen to her scream indignantly while I checked out. She obliged and I paid for my order.

Then, as I wheeled my (very heavy with 60 lbs. of kid in it) cart away, I noticed Sophie’s Kool-Aid packets were not looking so hot. I pulled the cart over to discover she had CHEWED through one and was now a very RED little girl. She didn’t get as much on her face as on her hands and ALL over her dress. So I wrestled the packets away and cleaned her up as best I could with a wipe in the steaming hot parking lot. Then I pushed my very heavy cart back into the store. My cute little hairdo was by this time, not cute at all and just making me sweat more.

Sophie gets caught red-handed

Back in Kroger, Sophie was extremely indignant that I was daring to do another transaction. The first thing I picked up was a bunch of bananas, then I got bread. As I made my way down the cereal aisle selecting the right kinds of cereal to go with the coupons I had, Sophie began chewing on the bananas. THROUGH THE BAG. By the time I realized what she was doing, she had bitten off the end of one and there was banana all over the inside of the bag. She threw a nice little fuss when I took the bananas away, then went right for the bread. There was nowhere in the cart I could hide the bread from her, so I just carried the bread. She wasn’t very happy about that either! The lines were really long, and of course as soon as we got in one she started trying to climb out of the cart. Sooo, I wrestled her into the seat part and cinched the belt as tight as I could get it. Fortunately, this belt had enough life left in it and I was able to get it tight enough to keep her seated. Unfortunately, it is considered inhumane to muzzle your child, so I and everyone within a 5-lane radius got to hear her scream while I checked out. After getting my sweet deals, my demon, my angel (Joshua – I haven’t mentioned him because he was so good!) and I once again headed to the parking lot, where, after getting the kids and groceries into the car, I collapsed into a pile of sweaty, puffy-haired frustration.

When we got home, I relayed the events of our trip to Emily over IM. (Thank GOD she went back to work and got back on Instant Messenger!! ABOUT TIME!) Then I realized that in my frazzled state I hadn’t yet poured the Drano down the bathroom sink. “I’m going to go put the Drano in the sink,” I IMed her, “and if it doesn’t work, I think I’ll just drink the rest of the bottle!”

Lucky for you, the Drano worked, and I’m still alive. ‘Cause seriously, if I kicked it and Emily had to maintain this blog all by herself? That would be the real tragedy in all of this!

(P.S. if you made it through all that, do me a favor and check out my latest review at Reviewin’ It Up!)

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Some Moms are Fun Moms. And then there’s ME.

Yesterday my friend Andrea and I were talking (yes, this is the same Andrea whose house and dog Joshua puked all over. Yes, we are still friends. We were at a park yesterday so there was no need to worry about Joshua hurling all over her carpet or newborn baby. Anyhoo.) about my recent vacation to Virginia, and I was saying that when I go on vacation, I like to just lay around. I prefer if that “laying around” happens on a beach, but Virginia was good too. I mean we took the kids for short outings to the creeks and rivers and other places where they could play, but no more than two hours long at a pop. Andrea agreed and she also likes a lazy vacay. She vacations each year in Florida, but, she said, “I have no interest in going to Disney World or anywhere like that.”

“Me neither!” I agreed. “Emily took Kate though. She’s crazy!”

Sorry Karen, but the thought of going to Disney World with my kids makes me want to jump off a bridge. Nothing against you, good folks at Disney! I would LOVE to go with my husband or with Emily and kick it Disney-style for a day (and then spend the rest of vacation laying around) but I am waaaay too lazy to take my kids there. Besides, I think they should wait until they are older to truly enjoy the magic. My parents took me when I was six and the only thing I remember about it is that the guy dressed up as Captain Hook scared the bejeebers out of me and my Dad almost clocked him ’cause he wouldn’t leave me alone! I don’t want a hug, you gimpy pirate! Leave me alone!

Emily, on the other hand, is a fun mom. As I mentioned, she and Andy took Kate to Disney when Kate was three and she had the time of her life! And I think they actually had fun, too. Unless they are just lying to save face. Which is what I would have to do.

Andrea and I continued or conversation by focusing on local spots to avoid. The first one that sprang to mind was an amusement park I loved to go to when I was young, which is about an hour away from our house, Kings Island. “Oh yeah,” I said, “You couldn’t pay me to take the kids to Kings Island. I know Emily has taken Kate there though.” Andrea agreed that she too would rather go on Fear Factor than take her kids to Kings Island. Too much waiting in long lines in the sun with people whose kids are not nearly as innocent and sheltered as ours are! And lots of teenagers making out everywhere. And more tie-dye than is healthy in one locale.

Just a mere 8 hours later at about 8:30, I got a text message from Emily on my cell. Here is what it said: “We are at Kings Island and we are in line for the Beastie for the 4th time today. I am too old for this.” I was all by myself, but I totally cracked up. I had no idea when I was having that conversation with Andrea earlier, that Emily was actually AT Kings Island at that exact moment with her hubby, 4-year-old, and 10-week-old!! She was at the very place I said I wouldn’t be caught dead at! Because apparently she and Andy don’t mind torturing themselves so that their kids can have fun! Who knew??

I called her the next morning and said, “There is just one thing I need to know. I know you were both smoking crack. But which one of you bought it?”

“Actually,” Emily said, “we had a really nice time. One of us stayed with Sam and one of us rode rides with Kate.”

A nice time. Riiiight. Keep telling yourself that, Em. And keep on smokin’ that crack! I’m sure it helps!

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More of Me, Me, Me

In the continued spirit of milking the Blogaversary thing for as long as possible, today I am answering more reader questions! Jen B. wanted to know what my greatest CVS deal ever is. Well, here it is! If you read my vacation post, you know my parents just celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary. I really wanted to get them a digital camera for their anniversary but gifts of this magnitude are generally not in the budget. However, being the shrewd CVSer that I am, I noticed a few months ago that CVS carries digital cameras! So I started saving my ECBs and waiting for a sale. Around the end of May, CVS had the Kodak Easy Share C713, on sale for $99.99 and you got a FREE 512 MB memory card with it! I knew it was time to strike.

I had 84 ECBs and a $5 off coupon. After using all those, I was able to get the camera and the memory card for just $11.03!!! I was so excited!! My parents loved it and my brother gave me $10 to chip in, so my OOP was $1.03. I LOOOOVE CVS!!

Bethany wanted to know what my favorite blog to read is, if I had to pick just one. That is a ROUGH question Beth!! I don’t think I could read just one, I might die. But when I read the question, the first one of my daily reads that popped into my brain was Momo Fali’s. Momo is a hilarious mommy of two and a BUCKEYE like myself. And she is an amazing storyteller and writer. So go see her and tell her I sent you!

Now I shall answer a question from my dear friend Krista: What the heck would I do with a day to myself?? I am boring, so I would probably spend the day relaxing in my bed or on the beach, reading some good books and alternating shots of Starbucks and Mountain Dew. And I would definitely have a massage in there somewhere!! I know, I am a wild and crazy gal.

My sister-in-law Ruthie wanted to know if Emily and I did anything bad together as kids and got in trouble. The answer, sadly, is no. We were as boring saintly then as we are now! The worst thing we did was move heaven and earth to exclude Em’s sister Anna from our Rummy games. I know we will answer to God for that at judgment day! We’re sorry Annie! Forgive us!! We LOVE you! Anna has taken her revenge by being much skinnier and craftier than we are. So, she showed us!!

Mm kay, that is it for me at the moment. Now tomorrow is your last day to pick Emily’s brain, so leave a comment with a question for her or email her! She has some skeletons in her closet!! Drag ’em out people!!

Now go enter our contest…time’s a wastin’!

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