Seven Random Things About Jenny

Erica at Crummy Cupcake was kind enough to tag little ol’ me for the Seven Random Things Meme. So, here’s another mind-numbing fascinating peek inside my life!

1) I am a history nerd and I have a lot of books about the history of Dayton, Ohio.

2) My mom calls me “Scooby Doo” because I used to reallllllly like that show when I was a kid.

3) I pick my cuticles when I’m anxious.

4) I am very klutzy. Example: I stabbed myself in the arm with an exacto knife while working on our senior class float in high school. A classmate drove me to urgent care and I had to get stitches. I try not to play with knives anymore!

5) I was seriously really sad when Jessica and Nick broke up, ’cause I’m all for young love, and divorce is just sad.

6) I really, really don’t miss working “outside the home.”

7) I wear Lands’ End Trellos about 98% of the time and am really sad that winter is coming and I’m gonna have to find some warm, comfy shoes. (Anyone got any suggestions?)

I now bequeath this meme (aka tag!) to: Momo, Piper, VDog, and anyone else who needs NaBloPoMo material!

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Crazy Eights!

My new bloggy BFF, Piper of Bliss in Bloom AND the lovely, over-achieving Super Mama Christine of From Dates to Diapers both tagged me for this Crazy 8s Meme. So I HAD to comply! Here goes…

8 things I’m Passionate About
1. Jesus
2. Bobby
3. Joshua
4. Sophia
5. Blogging
6. Motherhood
7. Breastfeeding
8. Saving money

8 things I say Often
1. I love you
2. Sweet!
4. Geez lou-frickin-weeze!
5. Fo’ Shizzle
6. GOSH!
7. Reedonkulous
8. FUGE (Joshua’s word for HUGE)

8 books I’ve recently read
1. Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire by Amanda Foreman
2. Lord, I want to know You by Kay Arthur
3. Lucky by Alice Sebold
4. Born to Rule by Julia Gelardi
5. Bergdorf Blondes by Plum Sykes
6. Created to be His Help Meet by Debi Pearl
7. The Widow of the South by Robert Hicks
8. The Guy Not Taken by Jennifer Weiner

8 Songs I could listen to over & over
1. At the Moment by Stavesacre
2. Angel by Sarah Maclachlan
3. Gold and Silver by Stavesacre
4. Sadder Day by Fleming & John
5. We Got the Beat by the Go-Gos
6. Wonderful Tonight by Eric Clapton
7. Ugly girl by Fleming & John
8. White & Nerdy by Weird Al

8 things that attract me to my best friends
1. A good sense of humor
2. Intelligence
3. Common sense
4. Optimism
5. Kindness
6. Selflessness
7. A fun spirit
8. Loyalty

8 things I’ve learned this past year
1. God still does miracles we can see
2. I don’t HAVE to worry
3. Having more than one kid is difficult
4. Staying at home with your kids is very rewarding
5. I like to blog
6. Mary Kay makeup rocks
7. Making new friends is awesome
8. Crock pot cooking is da bomb diggity

8 of my peeps I think should do Crazy Eights (if they haven’t already!)
1. Jill
2. Karen (I knows you loves a good meme!)
3. Jane
4. VDog
5. DizziLizzi
6. Calm Mama
7. The Mamahood
8. Tony (please don’t disappoint me!)

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It’s a Nice Day for a Meme!

The very talented Avery tagged me for this Five Things Meme. Enjoy, and then go check out Avery’s blog!

What were you doing ten years ago?
1) Going to college
2) Studying
3) Dating my future husband
4) Wearing my hair all one length
5) Drinking a lot of Mountain Dew

What were you doing one year ago?
1) Being a mom
2) Complaining about being 8 months pregnant
3) Nesting frantically
4) Worrying irrationally about my unborn baby
5) Working part-time

Five snacks you enjoy:
1) Hershey bars
2) Yogurt
3) Cheesy chili dip & nacho chips
4) Baby carrots
5) Kashi TLC crackers

Five Songs you know the lyrics to:
1) At the Moment by Stavesacre
2) Ugly Girl by Fleming & John
3) Our Lips Are Sealed by the Go-Gos
4) Foolish Beat by Debbie Gibson
5) The Star-Spangled Banner

Five things you would do if you were a millionaire (what do you mean if?? hahahaha):
1) Buy my brothers & parents a new car
2) Buy a new house
3) Buy Bobby an electronic drum set
4) Send my kids to private school
5) Pay all my grandparent’s bills

Five bad habits:
1) Picking my cuticles
2) Biting my nails
3) Being messy at home
4) Checking StatCounter every 2.2 seconds
5) Worrying

Five things you like to do:

1) Spend time with my family
2) Sleep
3) Play Trivial Pursuit
4) Blog
5) Eat out

Five things you will never wear again:
1) Acid wash
2) A bikini
3) Plaid pants
4) Straight leg jeans
5) Bangs

Five favorite toys:
1) My laptop
2) My digital camera
3) My son
4) My daughter
5) ??

Five things you hate to do:
1) Fold laundry
2) Take out the trash
3) Dishes
4) Clean the tub
5) Clean out my car

Feel free to play along! If you want to do this one, you’re IT!

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