Putting the “Crack” in “Cracker”

My bloggy friend and stalkee Jill at the Diaper Diaries is starting her very own carnival, Things I Love Thursday. So even though there is only an hour and twenty minutes until Friday, I need to get in on the fun. Today for the first time I tasted these:

CHEEZ-IT DUOZ Cheddar/Parmesan!!!!! And I LOVE them.

They are the bestest cracker I have ever tasted, EV-AH!! For realzies. No one is payin’ me to say this. Nobody sent me a free box. I bought them because they were on sale at Kroger and I had a coupon. And today, my kids and I consumed practically an entire box. I think these are not crackers but crack-cocainers, cause I am seriously addicted. (And you all know I never get addicted to anything, ever.)

So, go buy a box. And then another. And another. ‘Cause these CRACK-ers are gonna become a permanent FIXture in your pantry!!

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WFMW: Tottoos.org

I’ve been meaning to write this WFMW for, oh, about 11 months, but with summer here, now seemed like the perfect time to finally do it!

Last June we took a trip to Disney World. Kate had just turned three. Being the giant dork I am, I was researching everything I could. You should have seen the notebook in my purse with maps, the order in which we’d ride each ride, “must see” tips and more. It made Jenny and her coupon binder seem well adjusted.

But anyway! Right before we left I found out about Tottoos. They are, as you might imagine, tattoos for kids. Here’s what they look like:

Yes, I planned to tattoo my cell phone number on my child’s arm! We were about to leave on our trip, and I wasn’t sure I could get them in time, so I called the tottoos people and they were SO nice and sent my order to me with time to spare.

Tottoos aren’t like the regular temporary tattoos you’re used to. They are more plasticky (yes, that is the technical term) and you have to use their special remover to get them off, so they are water proof and will stand up to a long day at the amusement park or whatever.

They also have a medical alert variety that can be used to warn people about a child’s diabetes, allergies, etc.

I took a lot of razzing when I told my friends at work that I was going to order these (paranoid much??) but they were great. Having been lost in Disney World myself as a child, I really wanted to make sure that we would be quickly reunited with Kate should we become separated. She couldn’t be trusted (and still can’t, really) to remember a phone number, especially if she were upset, so this was perfect. I just told her that if she couldn’t find us, she should find a Disney worker or another mom with kids and show her Tottoo.

Fortunately, we didn’t need to put the Tottoos into action, but I was very glad to have them. And many, many moms stopped me throughout our trip and asked me where i had gotten such a thing.

Keeping kids safe – that works for me. For more Works for me Wednesday fun, head over to Rocks in my Dryer!

I just got an email from the nice Tottoos people and they are offering our readers 10% off – just use the code MOM10.

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Like You Needed Another Reason to go to Target

Recently, Emily and I have told you about some really cool products that are working for us, Kaboost and the Itzbeen Timer. These are both part of a new line of parent-invented products that are being carried exclusively at Target. Now we all know that pretty much every woman in the entire world luuurves Target, and this Parent Inventors line is just another reason to love it! A couple of other products I’ve tried from the line are the Ribbies hair clippies and the Babylegs. These both retail for about $10-$12 and are well worth the money! The Ribbies come in a set of four – two matching pair – and $10 for four is about what I am used to paying for the clips I’ve bought for Sophie in the past.


These are an alligator-style clip and they have kind of a foam in the middle that keeps them in your little girl’s hair. I tried them in Sophie’s hair for the first time on a windy day and after plenty of outside play, the clip stayed in! I didn’t have to adjust it for several hours, and Sophie left it alone – it wasn’t bothering her at all. Here’s a photo of her playing outside that day:


Isn’t that a cute clip? I am really pleased with the quality and the cuteness!


These Babylegs are something I had heard of but never seen until I saw them at Target. They are basically legwarmers for babies. At first the concept seemed silly to me, but once I got a pair, I found them very useful! We all have those occasions where we don’t want to get baby dressed until we are ready to leave the house, just in case he or she would pee, poop, or smear food all over their outfit. On a cool morning, I let Sophie run around in a onesie and her Babylegs until I am ready to get her dressed. Since she will be two in November (ack! typing that makes me want to CRY!!), and we will most likely be potty training around that time, I am planning to get another pair or two so I can keep her in the Babylegs instead of pants during training times, since it will be too chilly for her to be in just underwear or a diaper. So, despite being skeptical at first, I loves me some Babylegs! And I am so glad they are available at (say it with me now!) Tar-zhay!

Soon, Emily is going to be telling you about some other products she has tried that are also part of the Parent Inventors Line – but until then, you can check out all the products offered here. There are tons of products invented by moms and dads that I wish I had thought of myself! And now, I must go, unless someone has invented a product to remove a screaming toddler from one’s leg while one is trying to finish a blog post!

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