Rewind…. 11/17/05. More Milky!

TO: Jenny
From: Emily
Date: 11/17/2005
Subj: More Milky!

Hello my cousin!!!

Guess what happened last night. Ok, it’s not going to seem nearly as traumatic today as it did last night, but here goes. Kate and I went to Bob Evan’s with my grandparents, and Kate fell asleep on the way home.

When we got home, she woke up, and I went about my business putting her in her jammies and making her bottle and stuff (yes, I know she is 19 months old but she still takes a bottle at bedtime!). We were out of whole milk, and we only had a little skim. So anyway, I made her bottle with skim milk, and we went upstairs to rock and for her to drink her bottle. Lately one bottle is not enough (we never got any bigger ones), so after she drained the first bottle, she said “More milky, Mommy” and we went downstairs for another bottle, this time finishing off the remaining milk.

She said the same thing after the second bottle, but there was no more milk to be had, so we said our prayers and I put her in her bed. She FLIPPED out. Screaming, all kinds of stuff. It was awful. So I went up and got her and tried to rock her, but she was screaming for more milk. Snot and tears everywhere… awful. Andy was still out, and I couldn’t get a hold of him on the cell phone. So eventually, I had to pack her up in her car seat – it was snowing, I might add – and go to the Sunoco to get milk… getting her in and out of her car seat while she was screaming, all the while being sure that I was pretty much the most awful mother in history. So anyway, we got home and she drank two more bottles and finally went to sleep. As I suggested, this story doesn’t sound nearly as traumatic for me or Kate the morning after, but it really felt terrible at the time!!

To: Emily
From: Jenny
Date: 11/17/2005
Re: More Milky!

I assure you, it sounds EXTREMELY TRAUMATIC!!!!!!! Poor you!!

TO: Jenny
From: Emily
Date: 11/17/2005
Re: More Milky!

LOL, yes, it was pretty awful!

What I kept thinking, though, as I rocked her while she was drinking the milk we went out to get, was how awful it had been to hear her cry for milk that we didn’t have… and how lucky we were that the only thing preventing us from getting more milk was just that I didn’t want to get her out in the cold. We had a place to get milk and the means to do so… it made me consider how much worse it would have been if we just couldn’t have gotten “more milky.” So much to be thankful for.

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Rewind 11/3/2005…Mmm…Cheetos!

To: Jenny
From: Emily
Date: 11/3/2005
Subj: Cheetos

Hi cousin,
How are you? I am fine but TIRED. Kate woke up at 4:58 again. I don’t know what we’re going to do with this girl! She gets so sleepy before she even goes to the babysitter’s… this morning she was putting a towel on the floor of the bathroom and laying down on it while I was getting ready. I really don’t know what to do. But none of us are getting enough sleep! Andy got up with her this morning, but the way our bedroom is, it’s very hard to sleep if she’s up and about downstairs. And get this. Andy usually puts her in her highchair for breakfast and PBS Kids when she gets up, and this morning he fed her Cheetos! For breakfast!!! I was in shock when I saw them on her highchair tray. Needless to say, I threw the rest of the bag away. What a dork.

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Rewind…1/2/04: Rollin’, Rollin’, Rollin’

Date: 1/02/04
To: Emily
From: Jenny
Subj: I’m huge!!

This baby is going crazy with the rib-kicking! And I’m officially GINORMOUS. Em, I can barely cross my legs anymore. What am I going to do? I NEED TO CROSS MY LEGS!! And my pantyhose are rolling down my pelvic area…gotta go take care of that. I’ll write you later when they’re resting comfortably right below my bra again.

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