Putting Away the Loot

Christmas is past (by fifteen days), a new year has begun, and I’m…stuck in a living room with twice as much crap in it as it had before. You see, my problem with the post-Christmas clean-up isn’t putting away the tree, the ornaments, or the stockings. That’s a snap.

(Because my husband does it.)

My problem is: Where do I put all this new STUFF? Specifically, all my kids’ new stuff. Like, the FIVE new board games Joshua received:

board games = clutter

Or Sophie’s new posse (it’s a real tough bunch. You do NOT want to mess with Soph and her crew):

Sophie's Posse

And then, there are the toys that are actually more like pieces of furniture. Exhibit A, Joshua’s (Christmas dream come true) Fisher Price GeoTrax set:

GeoTrax -Joshua's Christmas wish come true

Exhibit B: Sophie’s Leap Frog learning table (which she adores!):

sophie loves it. but it takes up space!

I’m throwing a baby shower for a friend of mine Saturday (if she doesn’t have the baby today. ‘Cause she was having contractions all day Thursday. Squeeze those legs together Megan!), so I am sitting here pondering where to put all of this new stuff that Santa brought, cause really, everysinglecarfromcarsmovie and all of Sophie’s posse are not invited to the shower. Aside from just throwing it all in the kids’ rooms until the shower’s over, I don’t have a clue!

My post-Christmas clean-up? It’s still not done! But it will be by Saturday! How about yours? What’s your biggest Christmas clean-up hang-up?

By the way, this post is part of a Blog Blast sponsored at Parent Bloggers Network and Right@Home. I like to visit Right@Home to print coupons for some of my favorite SC Johnson products (like Glade candles. ALSO Emily’s favorite.) but the site also has great cleaning and organization tips and yummy recipes too! I’m headed over there now to see if they can solve all my problems for me, and you should too!

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Merry Christmas!

kickin' it with the kids and our vices

Bobby took this picture of me & the kids at my parent’s house on Sunday. It cracks me up because I am drinking a Mountain Dew, Joshua’s got a sucker, and Sophie is munching on a giant cookie. (I’m going to work with her on her modesty, I swear!) We love our sugar! Anyhoo, Emily and I want to wish you all a beautiful Christmas with your families! We’ll take a couple days off and then be back to regaling you with our wild tales. In the meantime, enter our great giveaways here and here!

Merry Christmas!

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