You Might Be a Blogger If…

I asked my darling husband to get me a cheeseburger from Wendy’s the other night by saying, “I Can Has Cheezburger?” and he had no idea what I was talking about. But if YOU know what I’m talking about, you might just be a blogger. So I started thinking about other ways you know if you might be a blogger.

You Might Be a Blogger If…

You know a feed has nothing to do with eating
You know a dashboard is not related to a car
You know a carnival has nothing to do with shaky rides and shady workers
You know a plug-in does not provide electric current
You refer to a laptop as your “lappy” and your desktop as your “compy”
The word “tweet” does not make you think of a bird
You refer to all your online friends with an @ in front of their names (right, @Fussypants ?)
You sometimes cheat on StatCounter with Analytics (or vice versa) or add Sitemeter in for a hot three-way
You require half a bottle of Xanax when your server goes down
You have a personal email, a blog email, a gmail, and a generic admin email for good measure
AND you MIGHT be a blogger if…
Your kid asks their friends if their mom reads your mom’s blog (*cough*Emily*cough)!

Let’s play! Add your “You might be a blogger if’s” in the comments and let’s see how many we can come up with!

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