My Uphill, er, UpMountain Battle

Mama Loves Dew

I am out of Mountain Dew. Usually, thanks to CVS, I keep my kitchen stocked with Dew. We have a fridge pack in the fridge at all times and usually three or four waiting in the wings. But tonight, I drank my last one, and I have no more.

And I’m scared, because I am seriously addicted to the stuff. I start to twitch for it when I get out of the shower in the morning. As soon as I’m dressed, I run to the fridge and pop one open. The green, sugary, cold goodness makes me happy and soothes my nerves.

Then around 5 or so, I’m itching for another, if I haven’t gotten stressed out and had one in the afternoon. I try to limit myself to two a day, but a lot of times, I drink three a day.

But now that I’ve weaned Sophie, I’m not burning those good ol’ nursing calories anymore, and all that sugary, calorie-rich Dew is going straight to my love handles. I’ve got to appear at BlissDom in 5 weeks and I don’t want to look all jiggly. So, I’m hitting Pilates and giving up Dew.

But can I DO (and not Dew) it!? I don’t know! I’ve never had a lot of willpower. And…I don’t really WANT to quit. I want to drink it all day long and have it be good for me. But it’s not.

Crap. Its after midnight, so today is my first Dew-less day. I feel very sorry for my poor children and my husband. I am afraid this is gonna get ugly…but hopefully my body will get prettier!

As I write this, I am getting the shakes just thinking about it going without mah DEW. Gotta go program the coffee maker so I can at least have some caffeine…even if it’s not cold, green and sugary. *Sigh*.

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