Housekeeping – FAIL of all FAILS.

When I saw that the Parent Bloggers Network was having a Blog Blast sweepstakes on the subject of housecleaning, I had a nice little chuckle at my own expense. Seriously, this is one of my terrible life failures. I am messy. I have never kept a clean bedroom. My husband calls my car “the rolling trash bin” because it is always full of stuff. And I hate, hate, HATE housecleaning. I am 31 years old (shut up Emily), can I really change NOW??

I like to keep a clean house – I just don’t like to be the one who keeps it that way! I don’t really have any cleaning methods or a cleaning routine. I do the dishes when we don’t have any more utensils, do the laundry when no one has clothes to wear, and sweep the floors when cat hair dust bunnies start flying through the air. Or, when I have company coming over. Then, and only then, I panic and clean like a banshee!!

I am not exactly the world’s best housewife!

It’s not that I’m lazy – I swear. I just HATE cleaning. Hate hate hate it. I am definitely lacking in the motivation department.

Just so I can lay my shame wide open for you all, please enjoy the current state of my dining room table:

what?? like YOUR house isn't this messy?

What?? Don’t judge me!

The person in my house who is actually good at cleaning is my hubby. He is very meticulous. Too bad he works 55 hours a week so I can live a life of leisure and doesn’t have time to do all the housework too! Seriously, though, he really helps me out a lot, especially with the dishes and the laundry on weekends. And when we have a birthday party or company to clean for, we always clean together, and that make it more fun! One of the cleaning products that we use when we clean is Pledge Multi-Surface, and I have to give my hubby credit for discovering it! He started out using it for his electronics, and then we started using it everywhere in the house. It works great on all surfaces.

To help those who need a little cleaning intervention, Pledge Multi-Surface has a new site coming in May! Go there now to download a $2 off coupon (did someone say COUPON? Holla!), and when the site launches in May, you’ll get to see five bloggers (not me, oh how I wish!) get a cleaning intervention!

In the meantime, if any of you want to get together and do a cleaning intervention on ME, my door is always open. When there isn’t a huge pile of hot wheels and train track blocking the entry way, that is.

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