Chasing Amy

So, I have this friend. She’s a bloggy friend that I met via Twitter, but I have now met her in real life TWICE (at both BlissDom ’08 and ’09) and I big-puffy-HEART her! Her name? Amy in Ohio.

Amy is flippin’ hilarious, and smart, and lots of other wonderful things, plus she has great hair (which I enjoy)! You know what else I enjoyed? Following her on Twitter, and reading her super-funny tweets, many of which were aimed at someone hooking her up with a free Blackberry (which no one ever did and that is a CRYING SHAME, I tell you!!)

I say “enjoyed” following Amy, because about a month ago, I discovered I was NOT following her any longer. Somehow, I “unfollowed” her without actually doing so myself. In other words, Twitter magically decided I should no longer be following @AmyinOhio. And no matter how many times I click the “follow” button on her profile page, it WON’T WORK!! GRRR! Jenny ANGRY.

Though Amy and I have both annoyed Twitter by tweeting to them excessively about this problem, they haven’t fixed it yet. So, until then, Amy and I (or Amyeo and Jenniet as I like to call us) are just going to have to connect in other ways. Last week we became Facebook friends and we are going to a Dayton-Cincy bloggy meet-up this weekend with Emily & some other awesome people (you know who you are! HOLLA!) But I was thinking another great way would be for us to start a blog together! I’ve already got a great blog name and header design:

Whaddya think?? I think it’s a winner!

As I was writing this post, I received more terrible Twitter news: I have also “magically” unfollowed my friend Dawn. That’s right, Twitter is trying to keep me and my elevator angel, Dawn apart. What the heck Twitter? Am I going to have to get stuck in an elevator at BlogHer with this girl to make up for lost Twitter-time?? This is strike TWO! If you try to keep Emily and I apart I will have no choice but to call in my mob connections and have somebody whacked. So, please, please don’t make me ask again! Hook me back up with @kaiseralex and @AmyinOhio STAT!

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