Counting on my Fingers…

Today I am “Auntin’ It Up”! I just want to take a quick note to congratulate my sister-in-law & brother-in-law, Kathy & Dave, on the birth of their first baby, James, over the weekend! (And, I would like to note, 2.5 weeks early, and 2 days before his mom & dad were scheduled to finish their childbirth classes. Heh heh. Can they get a refund for those?) James is the 16th nephew or niece for us on my husband’s side of the family, and I have 6 on my side, so that makes him # 22 for us!! Hey, I say, the more the merrier, as long as I don’t have to birth them! Anyways, congrats guys, I can’t wait to meet the little booger!

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