All I Want in My Easter Basket is a CVS Gift Card!

Seriously, people. CVS is AWESOME! The deals you can get with the ExtraCare program and some manufacturers coupons are AMAZING!! I’ve been doing this for about three months now and I still marvel at the savings! Here’s a couple of the deals I got this week:

I got 4 Dove Advanced Shampoo/Conditioners $5.29 each but on sale B1G1 Free
1 Dove Cream Oil bodywash 3.99
1 Dove Deodorant 3.49
2 pkgs. Easter eggs $.99 each

I used:
$5/$15 CVS coupon
$3/$15 CVS Beauty purchase coupon
Two $3/2 Dove shampoo coupons
$1 off Dove Body Wash coupon
$.75 off Dove deodorant coupon
$1.50/2 Dove shampoo CRT (coupon that prints on your CVS receipt)

My pre-tax total was $2.54. I used a $2 ECB and some change and got back $6.98 in ECBs! 5 for the Dove products and $1.98 for the Easter eggs! Woohoo!

And for my next trick:


Two Listerine Kids’ Smart Rinse for $2.99 each
Two Colgate Total Advanced Whitening for $2.99 each
Two Lady Speedstick 24/7 for $1.99 each
One Revlon hair clip clearanced at $1.75

My total before tax was $17.69.
I used:
$5/$15 CVS coupon
Two $1 off Listerine Smart Rinse coupons
$1 off Lady Speedstick coupon
One $1/2 Colgate coupons
$2 off any Revlon items CRT

I used $6 in ECBs and paid $1.02 in cash and got back $13.96 in ECBs!! PLUS there were “Try Me Free” rebate forms with the Listerine so I will get back a check for $2.99 for that! HOLLA if you HEARD me!!

Allright, now on to Kroger’s! Oh, how I LOVE to go “Krogering” now that I’ve discovered coupons! Kroger was having a big sale on frozen veggies this week so I stocked up! Also their Kroger brand canned veggies were on .39/can so I got lots of those too! Here’s my haul:


I got all this for $38.36! I know it’s hard to tell in the pciture exactly how much I got but it was A LOT! I got 16 bags or boxes of frozen veggies (all were on sale $10/$10 and I had coupons for the Green Giant and the Birds Eye!), 16 cans of veggies, 18 containers of Yoplait Yogurt (on sale 2/$1.09, my coupons were for 50 cents of 6, which Kroger doubled), 5 pkgs. of Kroger cheese, 2 loaves of Kroger bread, a canataloupe, 4 bananas, a head of garlic, 2 pkgs. of I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter (FREE with doubled coupons I printed off the INTERNETZ!), and 5 cans of Kroger fruit. All for $38.36. I was PUMPED!!

Shew! I am getting worn out. But one more coupon spree must be documented. On to Walgreens!


My total came up to $38-something before tax, but I paid just $12.69 before tax for all this, and I will be getting back $16.50 in rebates for it! YAY!!! That’s right, more REFILLS for my beloved Glade Scented Oil Candles! Yeehaa!

Ok, my friends, please promise me if you haven’t already, you will GO GET YOUR COUPON ON this week! And head over to Money Saving Mom for more Super Savings Saturday inspiration!

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14 Replies to “All I Want in My Easter Basket is a CVS Gift Card!”

  1. Wow, you did great this week! Also, I really love your floors!! We have a similar hardwood that we just refinished!

    Gotta go, my kid just said “Mama” for the first time!

  2. I still think my $.01 transaction wins the award this week. True, it was all on CANDY for the EASTER BASKETS (yeah right). Ok, it was really $.02 but I couldn’t find an extra penny so the cashier gave me one.

    So I am a coupon and CVS junkie now, AND I am bumming change off of people.

    What is next?

  3. Jenny,

    I’m so proud of you and your savings. There are three girls at work (including myself) that were just introduced to My boss found it and we’re all obsessed. Imagine my delight when I saw a link to Mommin’ It Up. I was like “oh my god…I know them!! YEAH!!” I have to admit, it’s been a while since I’ve visited your site. I feel bad – I didn’t even realize Emily was preggo again (I told you it had been a while). I’ll make sure to tell my friends at work to check out your site. Way to go!!

    Love and miss you both!! Lindsay

  4. I’m impressed. I always forget to use the coupons I get with my CVS card and now I’m thinking I need to pay more attention to them! Think of all the free stuff I’ve been missing out on!

    Just wanted to stop by and wish my Ikea shopping mates a happy Easter weekend! -Julia ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Hey Jen! CVS rocked this week – I think I went 7 times… was great until the last visit. When I should have made money with my ECBS but the cash register tape “came alive” and ATE them!!!!!!! SO now I am going back tomorrow morning to see if they reprint as promised. The manager now knows me by name and is fully commited to get my 14 ECBS baack for me that were EATEN!!!!!

    Thanks for the tips on this and getting me hooked……I am not sure my kids would thank you but they may eventually understand my obsession especially since I got some bday presents for them almost free this week ๐Ÿ˜‰

  6. Hi Emily,

    I was reading over your blog and I noticed you are pretty enthusiastic about coupons and special offers- and since I saw that you used one of those coupons to get Yoplait yogurt, I thought Yoplait Kids yogurt might be something you and Jenny would like to try. Right now parents can visit to request a coupon for a free six pack of Yoplait Kids yogurt drinks or cups.

    Yoplait Kids has drink-able and spoon-able yogurt that now contains Omega-3 DHA, an important nutrient to help support healthy brain development. It also has no artificial flavors or sweeteners. And right now you and your kids can try Yoplait Kids free. Let me know if this is something you would like to try and Iรขโ‚ฌโ„ขd be happy to send you samples.

    Brie Mesagaes


  7. Has anyone ever told you about ? You sound just like me, and I’ve been visiting that site for about two years now, getting all kinds of tips and advice on sales. You can either look for the online deals or the deals by the state you live in. Some of the state forums are more busy than others though.

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