Clearance + Coupons = Happiness

I had some great savings at CVS this week and FINALLY got a good deal at the grocery too! Come see what I scored!


This transaction was SO fun for me. I walked into my CVS on Sunday only to discover with joy that they had TIDE on clearance 75% off! They had these 39-load jugs for $3.00! And I had $1.00 off coupons! Woohoo! Here’s how it broke down

2 Tide $6
Viva paper towels (OHH how I LOVE them!) $6.49
Zipfizz energy drink $5.99
Kotex $1.49
CVS hand lotion $1.49

Total = $21.46
$5/$20 Walgreens coupon (my CVS takes competitor q’s)
$2/10 CVS coupon
Two $1 off Tide
$1 off Kotex
$1 off Kotex Walgreens coupon
$2 off CVS skincare product (gave me overage on the lotion)
75 cents off Viva
$1.50 off Viva CRT (from a previous CVS receipt)
Total = 6.21
I paid with 6 ECB and just 14 cents tax and got back 5.99 ECB for the zipfizz, 1.49 for the Kotex, and 1 ECB for the Viva! So I actually PROFITED on that! Amazing!

Next, I got some of my FAVORITE Mountain Dew products!


Mountain Dew 4/$12
Sobe Water 5/$5
Milk $2.99
CVS hand lotion $1.49
zipfizz $5.99
Total = $27.47

Walgreens $5/$20
CVS $2/$10
Four $1 off Target Mountain Dew coupons
Four “Buy a 12-pk Pepsi product, get a free Sobe water”
$2 off CVS skincare

Total= $10.47
I paid with 10 ECB and 58 cents cash and got back 5.99 ECB for the zipfizz, 3 ECB for the Mountain Dew and 2 ECB for the Sobe. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 soooo HAPPY WITH THAT!

Ok, last one. This was a fun one. God is good. Before this week, we were down to about a box & a half of cereal. Thanks to CVS and Meijer this week, we now have TWELVE boxes!


Four boxes of Malt-O-Meal cereal $4
Zipfizz energy drink $5.99
CVS hand lotion $1.49

Total = $10.48

Coupons: $2/$10 CVS
four $1 off Malt-o-Meal printables
$2 off CVS skincare product

Total = $2.48

I paid with 2.49 ECB, adjusted down to 2.48, which made my total a perfect ZERO, and I got back 5.99 ECB for the zipfizz. YAY!

Ok, on to Meijer. I FINALLY got some good grocery deals this week after weeks of NO GOOD SALES. Shew! I made an impromptu trip on Sunday night with NO LIST and still did pretty well so I was pumped. I got allthis for $26.72:


The Cheerios were $1.67 and I had 5 $1 off coupons from signing up for the Cheerios Challenge. The Fiber One bars ended up being 88 cents after doubled coupons. There were tear pads with “buy 3 Kraft products, get free Wheat Thins” coupons (also Oscar Mayer hot dogs!) so I got a couple of those and bought the 20 cent Kool-Aid packets to use as my three Kraft items. I also had a coupon like this for the cheese, which I got from “All You” magazine. So, free cheese! Before Coupons my total was 55 dollars and change, so I was thrilled with this trip! Then on my way out, I noticed a sign by the door. They were having a promotion where if you bought $10 worth of Nabisco cookies or crackers, you could get $10 off three packages of Fruit of the Loom basics. Well, the FREE Wheat Things are part of this promotion, so I went back and got this!


All this for $9.59. I bought Kool-Aid packets to qualify as my 3 Kraft items to get the Wheat Thins and the hot dogs FREE. The Wheat Thins then took $10 off my three packages of socks (which were originally $4.59 EACH!!) I had $1 off coupons for the Lean Cuisine, which were on sale for $1.99, so I got them for 99 cents each. $9.59 for ALL THAT!? I was thrilled!

Allright, that’s all I got. Hope you did great this week too! To see more fabulous coupon action, check out CVS Superstars at the Centsible Sawyer and Super Savings Saturday at Money Saving Mom!

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6 Replies to “Clearance + Coupons = Happiness”

  1. So jealous you found Tide on clearance, none for me at my CVS. I have to do the Wheat Thin deal soon I keep forgetting about that coupon.

    Great job on the deals.

  2. And I thought I had done well,but you might have me beat! I spent less than a $1 oop for $55 worth of stuff (most of it I actually needed, I only got one zipfizz that I didn’t need) and made about $3.50 in ECB’s!

  3. Wow, you did great!

    I used to be what I called a “Drug Store Queen” a couple of years ago…and I *still* have hair products, feminine products and razors. My dh’s razors just ran out a couple of months ago, I almost cried when I paid $40 for some jumbo pack of them for him at Costco. Sad day, indeed!

    My youngest will start preschool soon, so I will finally be able to shop alone again! This was a big reason why I stopped being a Drug Store Queen…he started making shopping very unfun, very.

    It’s fun to watch other people’s deals though 🙂

    Nice to meet you!


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