Dads Rock!

I don’t know about you Mommies, but watching my husband become a father was a real joy for me. I had an emergency C-section with Joshua, and then a post-op compilcation called an ileus (paralyzed bowel) which was extrememly painful. I was in the hospital for four days, and Bobby took such good care of me and Joshua during that time. He lovingly changed his diaper, held him to my breast when he needed to nurse and I was too sick to hold him, and carefully noted his pees, poops, and feedings on his chart. When we got home he was no less devoted to us. As a matter of fact, Bobby encouraged me to take it as easy as possible at home. So easy, in fact, that I didn’t even change my own son’s diaper until he was seven days old! He has continued to be an amazing father to both of our kiddos, and I am so thankful!

Unfortunately, Bobby doesn’t blog, but I’ve recently discovered some cool dads who DO blog! So do yourselves a favor, and in honor of the rockin’ dad in your life, go check out these dudes today!

Dad Thing

Busy Dad


The Egel Nest

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5 Replies to “Dads Rock!”

  1. Wow Jenny, thank you for including me on your list!! Your hubby sounds like a real dedicated, stand-up kinda guy. While I have never done something as meticulous as charting my son’s pooping patterns (though I have changed many a diaper in my day), I hope that I can at least bring a chuckle to those who read my stories. Have a great Thanksgiving!

  2. Hi Jenny! Thanks for the link!

    Give your man a high five for me! He sounds like an awesome guy!

    We had a similar situation. My wife’s blood pressure went sky high during labor and she was extremely doped up on some kind of medicine for the first three days in the hospital. She couldn’t be left alone with our son, and she could only hold him if I was standing right there. (She would just fall asleep without warning.) Luckily we took some parenting classes beforehand because I had never fed or changed a baby in my life. Scary at first, but quite fulfilling after the initial shock wore off. 🙂

    Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!

  3. i’m going to have to check out the egel nest. i’ve been a regular at joesprah and busy dad. those are two amazing dads with amazing blogs!
    great blog. it’s always nice to hear about women who like their husbands…so many of my friends and other women complain about their spouses. so…congrats!
    happy thanksgiving!

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