Dayton kids: You’ll love GPS Adventures at the Boonshoft!


As I have mentioned before, we have a membership to our local children’s museum, the Boonshoft Museum of Discovery.  As a kid I used to love going to the Boonshoft (then called the Dayton Museum of Natural History) and I love that I can make new memories there with my own kiddos.  Every quarter we go at least once to check out their featured exhibit in addition to the fun things they always have: the zoo, the Cassano’s pizza kitchen, recycling center, landfill, veterinary clinic…and so much more!  A few weeks ago we headed there to check out “GPS Adventures“, the current featured exhibit.

GPS Adventures is a very fun maze of sorts that teaches kiddos about this amazing technology which is in our cars and phones.  My kids are used to us having a GPS navigation system in our minivan,and it was cool for them to get a hands-on understanding of how they work!


Learning how hikers use GPS technology to stay on track

In each section of the GPS Adventures maze, you have to use given clues to find out the secret code to unlock the door to the next section of the maze.  So not only are the kids learning about the technology, they are using their critical thinking  skills, too!

We figured out the code to unlock the door!

My children L-O-V-E-D this exhibit. The excitement of finding clues, figuring out the right answer, and getting that door locked was just thrilling to them. As soon as we were done, they wanted to go right back through!  (I wouldn’t let them because I had Jonah’s big stroller, and I would advise you to use a small stroller for this trip! But I promised them we would go back sans baby brother before GPS Adventures departs for another location.)

At each checkpoint, you also stamp a card with coordinates once you get the code figured out. So at the end, each participant has their own coordinates which they can then take to a map to find out their next exciting real-life destination to learn about.

My excited kiddos with their completed destination cards

We had a great time at GPS Adventures!  I really think this exhibit has it all.  Technology, hands-on learning, mystery, secret codes, and fun the whole way through.  I really encourage you to check it out in the main exhibit hall of the Boonshoft before it leaves – it runs through September 3rd.

If you’ve already checked it out, leave me a comment and let me know what you and your kids liked best!


The Boonshoft Museum of Discovery sponsored this post. We are grateful for their support of Mommin’ It Up.  All opinions about the exhibit are my own.

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2 Replies to “Dayton kids: You’ll love GPS Adventures at the Boonshoft!”

  1. Lucy is going there next week with her Grandfather. I think they will both have a wonderful time.

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