Does anyone know how to freeze time?

Today, Sammy is six weeks old. Six weeks!! How did that happen? We just weighed him, and he’s up to 13 pounds. Where did my little baby go? Last night our pastor commented that he’s not a little newborn anymore and I about cried.

My sadness over his growth doesn’t make any sense to Andy. He looks at it as proof that Sam is healthy and is thriving, and that is great. And it is, I know, but it’s just going by so fast. So fast.

As I wrote that last paragraph, it reminded me of when Sophie turned one – Jenny was feeling the way I am, and Bobby told her that he wasn’t sad at all… turning one meant she was that much closer to turning three. Men.

They have a point, really, I suppose, and day by day things are already getting easier with Sam. Last night he slept the best yet, and hopefully that will continue. He’s so aware of what’s going on around him now, and he’s starting to think about smiling at us (I don’t blame him for taking a while on that front – we’re not very funny.) So while there is and will continue to be a bright side to his growing up, it still breaks my heart.

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8 Replies to “Does anyone know how to freeze time?”

  1. If you figure out how to freeze time let me know!! I have a little boy who will be 3 months on the 22nd. I also have a 5 year old daughter and I’m constantly saying who is this kid?!!

  2. I know what you mean! I almost cried yesterday because my little girl, who just turned one, was eating watermelon with a fork! I never thought something like that would set me off, but she just looked like a KID…not a baby! Where in the heck does time go???

  3. In some respects freezing time would be great. I miss my kids as babies. But in other respects, I’m glad time marches on and they grow older and wiser and morph into little people. We’re just back from vacation and we had the best time with our 11 and 13 yr old kids. It was a totally different trip than when we went when they were 3 and 5. In a different way. In a totally fun way. In a way that could not have happened had I frozen time.

    Ok, whoa. That was WAY to philosophical for me.

  4. God made men and women differnet. Society tried/tries very hard to tell us we are all the same,blah blah balh. I love the fact that my wife is not me and not LIKE me. We men,try to understand and have a certain amount of empathy but, God made us different and it is awesome! the love and compasson that a woman has for her children, the FEELINGS they have, are an amazing gift from God and in many ways I envy that ability to throw ones self into someone else, even if is just the sadness that a child in growing up. They do that and much too soon. So don’t try to stop time, don’t fell bad if you are sad. That is what makes wmoen special and why men and women fit together so well. God gave men an amazing gift when he gave each of us our own Eve….

  5. I hear you. I just posted about the same thing this morning. Sometimes I can’t wait till they’re bigger. Five minutes later, I’m weepy again! That’s motherhood for you.

  6. And that’s why we blog! It sort of “freezes” time into a moment that we can cherish a little longer. But each day brings new precious moments too. My oldest is 20 and I still hug him…

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