Happy Hour redefined

This is gonna sound like a commercial. But it’s just a testimony. About the AWESOMENESS of the Sonic Happy Hour. Now I’m kind of a bore so the Sonic Happy Hour and the 1/2 appetizers Happy Hour at Applebee’s are the only two I’ve really ever hit. But I’m about to become a LUSH thanks to Sonic!

Now I’ve been frequenting Sonic Drive-In’s happy hour on and off for about a year.  1/2 price drinks from 2-5 PM!! (At least in my area.)  This means I can get my kids a small slushie for FITTY CENT.  And let me tell you, a few times when sanity has been escaping me, I’ve strapped the kids in their car seats and gunned it over to Sonic to get some cheap treats for them AND me. Because kids quietly sucking down slushies and strapped into car seats while I greedily gulp a calm-restoring Cherry Coke or Cherry Limeade for freaking HALF PRICE = aweeesome!  We all drink for less than $2. WHAT UP!

Wow, that was like, a crazy stream-of-consciousness testimonial!

But I never knew how awesome happy hour could be until Wednesday, when it suddenly occurred to me, on that beautiful day, with gorgeous weather, to invite my friends. So I sent out a text to the ladies in my house church group and almost all of them converged on our local sonic after school.  3:15 and we had that place HOPPING.  The kids were crazy, the Sonic employees were hiding inside fearing for their lives, and we were all sucking down super-sweet, super-cheap treats.

Here’s Sophie with my friend E’s kids becoming one with the restaurant’s window:

Let's drink slushies and jump off a window!

All in all, there were sixteen kids 8 and under there. All on the teeny-tiny outdoor patio at Sonic. And despite the fact that we spent much of the time trying to keep our kids out of the drive-thru lane (and therefore, alive), we had a GREAT TIME.

As did they:

I'm flying! I'm FLYING!!

I hope this weather stays nice so we can go back and terrify the staff and run off all the other customers and drink some sugary goodness for 1/2 off ONE MORE TIME this year!

It was totally rad. Weekdays. 2-5 in my area, check with your local store, grab some friends, and maybe a harness for your children, and go!

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7 Replies to “Happy Hour redefined”

    1. No playground, Katrina! It’s really small…if our group keeps coming there they are going to want to expand. Or not…if our Sonic had a playground I’d probably put up a tent for myself and start squatting. At least Mon-Fri from 2-5!!

  1. We don’t have a playground either! But I go to Sonic every day, but usually in the morning when they have the Morning Drink Stop. I can get a large Diet Coke for $1.06! AND my local sonic is doing surveys and if you do the survey, you can get a free Route 44 (which is an obscene amount of liquid, but if you get extra ice, it’s not so bad…well, except that the cup is so big that I can’t hold it with one hand).

  2. Great pictures! And to think that I thought I was livin’ it up by going to happy hour at the car wash – $3.00 off your wash on Thursdays between 4 and 7!

  3. love sonic! when i was prego with my first i swear i went every day during happy hour just before heading to the pool to teach/coach swimming. now i carry on the “tradition” with my youngest and oldest by going after naptime to enjoy a yummy slushy!! 😀

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