High Tech Baby Book?

I ran across this video the other day… perhaps you’re one of the 1,223,008 people who watched it before I did, but if not, take a look.

Is that not the best idea ever? I only wish I’d thought of it seven years ago. Maybe if I had, I would remember exactly what Kate’s first word was and stuff like that. Because – and I am ashamed to admit this – I kept up her baby book for approximately three days. That’s the #1 reason I’m glad we have this blog, because this way at least she’ll know about what a nut case her mother is and other various moments in her life. But still – I think I’m going to set up an email address for her and Sam. I just think that is the coolest idea.

This brings me to another subject I’ve been thinking about lately… how old should a child be when he or she gets an email address?

My dad texted me the other day with a message for Kate, which is what prompted this train of thought. I am not going to get my seven year old a cell phone to text with, but I thought it might be fun for her to correspond with my dad and Joshua and other family members. She loves writing and loves the computer. But then I think of all those Dateline online predator shows and reconsider.

So, what do you think? When did/would you let your kids have their own email account?

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5 Replies to “High Tech Baby Book?”

  1. My daughter is getting her first email account. She will be 10 shortly. My husband set it up with the strictest settings and we will be “checking” her emails together for a long while. She can use this for emailing family only.

    Good luck!

  2. James wants a cell phone so he can text Drew. Sarah and I decided email would probably be less annoying for the rest of us. And probably for Drew too!

  3. I tell Josie she can’t have a phone til she is 35, and she is ok with that! As for email, well let me know! Because again, they didn’t put that kind of info in the parent book!! 🙂 LOL!!
    The thing is, kids are being exposed to the computer/phone technology WAY before we ever were obviously. It seems to be a good thing and a bad thing all at once…

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