Let the Games Begin!

Birthday cake

Here we are, at the end of March… gearing up for April – or as it’s known in our family, BirthMonth. Sam’s birthday is on the second and Kate’s on the 22nd. Last year, I attempted to simplify April, but then Kate and I ended up going to Portland AND she had her first communion, so there was nothing simple about April.

Have I mentioned that April is the height of Andy’s tennis season?

Yeah. This is going to be nuts.

We’re kicking off the festivities this weekend – Sam is having a birthday party for his friends at the bowling alley on Saturday. Sunday is, of course, Easter, so in addition to the eggs/basket/church extravaganza in the morning, we’re having lunch (and a birthday cake) at my grandma’s and dinner (and a birthday cake) at Jenny’s mom’s house. Monday should be a moment of calm (or frenzied wrapping of the birthday presents I’ve yet to buy), and Tuesday is the real deal. He’s staying home with Andy and Kate, who will be on spring break, and then we’ll all go out to dinner when I get home from work. And, of course, have cake.

Three weeks later, we’ll do it all again for Kate.

By the end of the month, my babies will be 9 and 5. How on EARTH did that happen?

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2 Replies to “Let the Games Begin!”

  1. Amazing that they are going to be 9 and 5. I still have their birth announcement photos on my refrigerator!

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