Misery LOVES Company!

Remember this post? Remember when I was about to resort to violence because my son kept saying “Mama, watch this!”?

Well last night, after returning home from a successful Mommies’ Night Out – TAKE 2 – with Emily (and her sister Anna – bonus!), Sophie was being really cute and so I called to Bobby, “Come look at this!”

What I got in response was a huge, annoyed SIGH.

Me: What’s wrong?
Bobby: Nothing. It’s just that I’ve been asked to look at stuff by Joshua all night.
Me: (out loud) I know how you feel.
Me: (inside): Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha HA! (clear throat) HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA AH AHA AHAHAH HA! Whew! Ahem.

Misery loves company, indeed.

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8 Replies to “Misery LOVES Company!”

  1. My husband could not understand why I wanted to scream after listening to Evan point out numbers all day (numbers are everywhere so there is no getting away from it either). Then after a nice long weekend of having to listen to it my husband finally started showing signs of frustration with having to listen to it all the freaking time. It is great when husbands finally get what is annoying us.

  2. Ah, the parental dilemma of feigning interest for fear of discouraging your child. I have the following phrases locked and loaded and on random rotation for these situations: “No way! Cooool” “You did that? Whoa.” “Rock on!” “Dude – awesome” “That kicks butt!” “Niiiiice”.

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