Misty Terry-Cloth Memories

This weekend Bobby and the kids and I went to Indianapolis for our nephew James’ 3rd birthday.  It was really fun spending the day with Bobby’s sister and her husband and James as well as his little brother Joel, who is 8 months old.  Before we left my brother-in-law Dave started pulling some boxes of baby clothes out for us, which I was excited about because I’d long ago given most of Joshua’s clothes away…to them, when James was born.  Still, I didn’t expect to find much of Joshua’s wardrobe in the boxes.  I mean, said clothes are now over six years old and have been worn by THREE boys!

But the first thing I saw when I opened the first box was a blue terry-cloth Carter’s sleeper I immediately recognized as Joshua’s.  And then another, and another – three right on top!  I am kind of a “Carter’s snob” – I love to have my babies pretty much cloaked in nothing but their first year.  And those terry-cloth and fleece sleepers are the best for all my cold-weather-born kiddos.

Cozy Joshua in one of the recently rediscovered sleepers, 2004

I cooed and oohed over them – I couldn’t believe it!  They brought back such memories of my first baby boy.  He was such a sweet, sweet baby.

And now I’ll have another sweet baby boy, and he’ll get to wear some of the same cozy, fuzzy things his big brother wore.  Things I thought I’d never see again.  Of course he’ll have some new things of his own, and clothes handed down from friends worn by other sweet baby boys, but I’m glad he’ll have some items from his big brother, too.  I can’t wait to see him in them!

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7 Replies to “Misty Terry-Cloth Memories”

  1. So sweet! I love to see Owen`s clothes on Joshua and then on Griffin! Brings back so many happy memories!

  2. I finally figred out that you have two nephews named James…so confusing, with all the Charles, James, Roberts, etc…seriously, Johan Lefonius sounds better all the time!!


  3. It’s amazing how a Carter’s sleeper can make you misty-eyed….I’m just the same!! You’re going to LOVE having a second baby boy!

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