Rise and Shine?

I have a very serious problem. It’s called not-able-to-get-out-of-bed-itis.

I cannot get up in the mornings, and I don’t know what to do about it. I have good intentions – I set the alarm for when I need to get up. And then I proceed to hit snooze two or three times until I finally manage to stumble to the shower.

I know that mornings go so much more smoothly when I get up nice and early (I’ve done it once or twice)… the kids do better with out me running around snapping at them to get ready to go (imagine that). I am less stressed and grumpy (imagine that) (yeah I can’t imagine it either).

Yet I cannot seem to get out of bed.

That, combined with lengthy Sam drop-offs, is not a recipe for success.

So if you’re one of those people who gets up at the crack of dawn, runs three miles and makes homemade waffles before work – please, give me your secrets. I need help!

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11 Replies to “Rise and Shine?”

  1. Don’t know if this would work, but you could set your coffee pot to make coffee an hour before you get up so that you could drink a cup, go back to bed, and awake caffeinated at the time you want to start your day. That’s what I do with my handy prescribed narcotics, but we all can’t be so lucky.

  2. I don’t know of any “morning people” in our family. No matter what time I get up, I don’t feel really awake for a couple of hours but then I want to be a night owl. That system works a lot better since I am retired. When I worked, I always stayed up too late. When you have kids, the only time you have for yourself is after they are in bed and it is easy to stay up too late and feel terrible the next morning. No good answers here,Em.

    Just wait….UP is going to say that Mrs. Duggar has it all figured out! LOL

  3. Well, I have to comment on this. I truely believe if you want it bad enough in life- YOU CAN DO ANYTHING! It’s all in our heads. Pump yourself up and try it! If you really want to, believe you can do it! In my life I’ve been able to do things I never thought I’d be able to do 🙂

  4. Mind over mattress – it can be tough! My best advice is to get a new alarm clock without a snooze button and put it far enough away from your bed that you HAVE to get up to turn it off. And set it every day for the same time (even on weekends). Masochistic, but it works. After you do it for about 4 weeks, you’ll find you wake up on your own and are actually (gasp) perky. Or at least some version of perky 😉 Also, move your wake up time back in 30 minute increments (or 15 minutes if you’re a hard core sleeper) from what it is now. So, if you get up at 7:00am now, move your alarm back to 6:30 (or 6:45) for 4 weeks. Then back again. Until you are getting up when you want to. Trying to do it all at once is guaranteed failure (like the time my husband decided to re-start weight lifting after having not done it for 3 years…oh yeah, that’s a story…)

    Good luck!

  5. The only cure I’ve ever found for this is going to bed earlier. How many hrs do you normally get? Dosen’t sound like enough 😉

  6. A. I just re-read Diane’s comment…Mrs. Duggar has 19 kids to take care of her, and can sleep as late as she wants.

    B. I’m a morning person…TLW, was most annoyed UPon our marriage…she had never met anyone who woke UP talking.

    C. I have never slept much. I do however, love to nap!


  7. I have the same problem. I am a terrible morning person and I do know I stay up to late but it is my back to sanity time. I push snooze for about an hour on my alarm and my husband is even worse. He has 3 alarms and I still have to wake him up on top of that.

  8. I’m not a morning person per se, but I have found that working out in the morning is the best way to start the day. It is difficult to get up to work out, but I find that once I do I am so glad that I did – I feel energized and ready to face the day. It took a little while to get into the routine, but now, I’m at the point where I have to work out before work or I feel sluggish – it is a great motivator to not hit snooze. Plus it gives me “me time” when everyone else is still asleep.

  9. Ok, I am one of those…sssshhh!(whisper)’perky morning people’. I wake up when the alarm goes off at 4:15, put on my robe, take the dog out, feed the barn cats, pack my husbands lunch for the day, and grab my crochet to work on until time for the boys to get up and get ready for school. Unfortunaely, in between all of these, I am checking on my husband, reminding him that he will be late if he does not get up.
    Now, getting out of my pajamas and into the shower & dressed for the day, is another story altogether….lol

  10. I am exactly the same. My kids have inherited this from me. Three horrible morning people, being forced to wake up and get ready in a very limited amount of time doesn’t work.
    Getting up early and getting going in a timely fashion ONLY works when my hubby has to be up and be somewhere too. Which is rarely (we have to leave the house before him and are usually walking out the door when he is rolling out of bed).

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