Sophie’s Teeth Are Giving Me the Runaround!!

Heeeeelllllp meeeeee!!! At the ripe old age of 11.5 months, Sophie, my toothless wonder, has finally decided it’s high time to pop through some teeth. And it’s making both of us miserable! Joshua (who got his first teeth at 5.5 months) never acted like teething bothered him a bit, so this is a new experience for me (Like everything else with Sophie, who seems to think I did not get enough of the motherhood experience with Joshua.) Girlfriend is really trying to push those little razors through but it’s not happening! Her nose is running constantly, so her face is always covered in snot and drool, as are her bangs. Yesterday when I got her up from her nap her eyebrow was snot-glued into a very funky, unnatural shape. Yikes! She chews on her hands frantically, sticking her whole hand in up to her wrist and then gagging like she’s trying out to be a member of Future Bulimics of America. She doesn’t seem to want to chew on toys, just her hands or her spoons, but she does enjoy chewing on an ice cube in her baby safe feeder. She’s also, of course, more fussy than usual, and she’s taking shorter naps during the day and waking more frequently during the night. Twice this week she’s woken up ready to PARTY when she should have been down for the night. Thursday night she was up from 11:00-11:45 pm, and Saturday morning from 4:30-6:00 a.m. (she did have a low fever at this time, of 99.) On these occasions she was so wide awake that I just took her down stairs and let her play until she was ready to go back to bed. Thank God Bobby was home Saturday so I could catch a nap! It was the first one I’ve had in a long time. Probably a month at least, so it was great. I don’t know how I would’ve coped without it!

So, I’m trying to be reasonably patient, but as Joshua’s teeth appeared magically one day with no accompanying side effects, I have no idea how long I should expect this to last! I’ve checked and checked her little gummies and I still see no signs that she’s making progress! If any of you have some words of encouragement or advice I’d love to hear them!


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11 Replies to “Sophie’s Teeth Are Giving Me the Runaround!!”

  1. one word….tylenol 🙂
    Maybe they will come in all at once and you will be done with it – isa’s came in with in 1 and a half months and she now has 8!!!

  2. Great picture!! Her hair is still so amazing! Jenna’s teeth take FOREVER to come in as well!! Usually I can see the entire line of the tooth right under the skin for over 2 weeks before it cuts through. Tylenol was my answer too when she was fussy. Oragel helped some. All the typical teething stuff (from frozen washclothes to teething spoons) was used…..she might be cutting multiple teeth at the same time. Jenna cuts at least 2 at a time….and last time it was 3. Fun times. Hang in there girl! Those nights with less sleep make it tough!! Makes you wonder how we get through the first 3 months after they are born!! Pure adrenaline, but it’s totally worth it, huh?!?

  3. I wish I could help you but I am in the middle of teething he** also combined with an ear infection. someday we will sleep again.

  4. “seems to think I did not get enough of the motherhood experience with Joshua”–my situation exactly! First boy was a breeze; with the girl I feel like the newbie who never got the handbook! We used Tylenol; the pediatrician said to give it at the first sign of discomfort as it takes an hour for full relief to kick in.

  5. Same here….my daughter was NOTHING like my son. This guy (same age as yours) keeps me running in circles…..he now has 7 teeth, working on one more up top…and his molars are starting up as well. The teething tablets only worked for a few weeks…, it’s either Orajel….Tylenol….or just snuggles. The same thing never works twice in a row for us.

  6. I feel for you. We are going through it too(the big teeth). Peel an apple, slice it, freeze them, then put in your safe feeder. It it has worked miracles for us. Hope you all feel better soon.

  7. Good luck, God Bless … I would come up with more platitudes but my loving daughter only allowed me 3 hours sleep last night due to her evil incisors.

    I *may* have taught her a few four letter words last night … one year olds can’t repeat words can they?! 😉

    Would it make you feel better to know that I’ll be up with you tonight?

  8. My daughter is currently teething as well. I have say it’s kind of a piece of cake compared to your nightmare, but I can assure you that the most pain seems to come before the tooth even shows that it’s ready to pop out. By the time Megan’s gums looked white like the tooth was ready to break through, she wasn’t in pain anymore. Looks like she’s working on her second, because she’s doing the “wake up at 11 ready to party thing these days, too!” We just give her Tylenol, let her swing (she is only 6 mos. so she still fits!) and then she goes back to sleep pretty easily once her Tylenol kicks in. Good luck!

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