Starting to freak out

So it’s almost time for me to go back to work, and I don’t want to!! Yet, anyway. I’m not ready!

I just don’t know how we’re going to do it. I can’t imagine getting up at 5:30, pumping, feeding Sam, showering, wearing real clothes, and making it out the door before 7. I don’t know how Andy is going to handle both of the kids at home, especially because he does not possess the power of lactation. That is the key for keeping Sam happy, for sure. And how am I going to pump enough to leave for him?? Ugh.

I am looking forward to a couple things… listening to books on tape in the car (instead of Sam’s incessant screaming), going out to lunch with my friends, and hopefully starting to use the exercise room on campus. But I am going to miss them all so much. Especially that little guy.

I have been really fortunate to have this maternity leave… certainly not all women have 13.5 paid weeks off. And it has been so wonderful. I will always remember the time Sam and I had together during his first months, and how much I loved just sitting and staring at him. Ok, I am going to cry.

So anyway, I know that it will work out somehow, and we will all make it. I’m just not exactly sure how.

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9 Replies to “Starting to freak out”

  1. Yep, you are really lucky. No paid maternity leave for me this time. It goes by too fast! Good luck with going back. I know how hard it is to leave the little guys!

  2. Oh you’re bringing back memories of how much I dreaded coming back to work all 3 times. I hated even the thought of leaving each of the girls, but it got a little better every day as we figured out the new routine. I hope it does for you as well.

  3. I’ll be praying for you! I know how tough it is – I cried the whole first week back. A single guy at work asked me how it was going one of my first days back and I burst into tears on him. Poor guy! I apologized a few days later, and he said he understood, but he really didn’t 🙂

  4. I feel so bad for all of you girls in the US that have to go back so soon! In Canada we get a year off with each kid and that doesn’t seem like enough! It’s not full pay, but 60% which seems to do the trick! 🙂

  5. I am so sorry you have to go back to work now! I decided after my last one to not go back. It has been very hard financially, but so rewarding seeing all the things I missed with my first one. I hope your transition isn’t too hard on you!

  6. I am Canadian too and am very happy that we get a year of maternity (I only worked with my first pregnancy and only got 6months then) the little bit of time you get in the US is NOT enough, by any stretch! That is so young to leave your baby! I feel for you! They are so dependant on you in that first year but daddy will adapt and they will have a great bond! Good luck!

  7. Everything will be fine Em because you will find a way to make it work. You’re the best! Although Kate and I took exception to that part about missing us all…ESPECIALLY SAM! What’s up with that??!! Just kidding, I know he’s a lot cuter and less trouble than me, but Kate really took offense. HA!

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