Summer Legs

Summer Legs

Saturday morning as I was gearing up for a visit to the Fort Rapids Water Park with Emily and our families (which we’ll tell you about tomorrow!), I did that crazy thing that we women must do when the jeans come off and the shorts and swimsuits go on – I shaved my legs.

And of course, like I do, I cut myself.  And Summer, that greedy season, got it’s blood sacrifice, the one it always demands from the legs of the big and small who go running and jumping around in the nice weather.  I call them “Summer Legs”.

On her last day of preschool, Sophie stumbled as we were getting into our van and scraped her knee pretty good.  It bled and everything!  It was very tragic.  And very fitting to have happened the second she was released from school and into the summer sun!

Since that moment, her legs have never looked back.  At every park or backyard play date we’ve had, they’ve taken another hit, another ode to play.  What can I say? The girl has her mother’s grace.

I have used the term “summer legs” so often the past couple weeks, that the other day when I was wiping a big smudge of dirt off of her legs (nothing like a quick baby wipes bath when you’re in a hurry, right!?), she said, “Thank you for helping me clean my summer legs.”  Such a cutie!

Joshua’s legs have mostly been protected by school uniform pants, but he gets out tomorrow at noon, so his legs are sure to get summery soon.  (And hopefully tan. Man, my kids are white!)

It’s summer!  Wednesday we’ll celebrate both big kids being out of school by hitting the pool.  How are you celebrating?  And how are your kids’ “summer legs” looking?

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9 Replies to “Summer Legs”

  1. My 17 mo old can’t get enough of outside! He got his first skinned knee and scraped toe last week (won’t wear shoes once he found out about going barefoot outside!) I’m sure it’s just the beginning – as I kid I always was banged up! It’s what comes with outdoor fun.
    Have fun at the pool! Hopefully we will too but opening day is forecasted to be 20 degrees cooler than the day before (84 to 64) – bummer in east central Wisconsin.

  2. What an apt name! “I runnin’!” – my 2.5 year old running joyful barefoot laps around the perimeter of the yard. I have no idea what they’re getting all scraped on during his outside adventures, but the other night I looked at my daughter’s smooth little baby legs and knew the my son’s legs would NEVER be like that again!

  3. And I’m pretty sure Josie has had her fair share…closing out her Birthday party yesterday she fell off the picnic table and has a very large bruise on her upper thigh…geez la weez…and I forgot that bath water can get that dirty after a day at the park!! LOL!! CHEERS!!

  4. The messier the cook, the better it tastes. Well, i believe the more nicked up the legs, the better the summer. Its like battle scars of summer…the more you have or can tell about, the more fun, excitement and adventure. Consider it a notch on the belt.

  5. I have a one year old that has her mothers grace and I SWEAR she can not walk on a flat surface without falling. I guarantee I can count 40-50 little tiny bruises all over her legs…. not to mention the ones on her head! And her poor toes… she refuses to wear shoes so not only are her toes scrapped they are also permanantley stained brown on her toe nails, no amount of soap and scrubbing can clear those nails up. poor girl loves dirt!

  6. My kids dont get out of school until friday and they have really summer legs already. They are so bruised and scratched they look dirty even when they just get out of the tub. It was hotter in Minnesota yesterday than phoenix. Hottest day in like 6 years. Needless to say we went to the beach.

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