Taking Away My Words

Today I was going to post on how my Joshua is sick. How yesterday, he had the distinction of being the first kid to puke in his kindergarten class this year. How I am so thankful my husband works just around the corner from his school so he could go get him fast.

Joshua is sitting next to me on the couch, drinking a juice box. He’s got a 102 fever and he threw up once more, but he’s in good spirits. Although I am a little nervous, I am hopeful.

So I’m not going to try and make a funny story out of Joshua’s illness. Although I am sure you would appreciate the level of panic I rose to when the school nurse called. And it was a wee bit comical. But I’d rather focus your attention on my friend Becky. Her little guy Collin is in the hospital with pneumonia brought on by H1N1. Becky and her husband were both sick also, and she really needs your prayers. We’ve all felt as moms that at times we are at the end of our rope, and I think Becky is truly there. Please pray for her and her husband, Aaron, their son Collin and their older son Noah. Pray especially for healing for Collin and strength for his parents!

Here’s Becky’s latest blog post – please read it and say some prayers.

My prayer Lord, is that you will bring Collin healing and bring Becky and Aaron rest. Lord help them to feel rested even though they are exhausted. Help Collin to rally Lord, give his little body amazing strength!

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8 Replies to “Taking Away My Words”

  1. Hope Joshua feels better soon.

    A friends son was hospitalized last week with pneumonia (also brought on by H1N1). He was hospitalized for 3 days and made a full recovery. I will definitely keep your friend and her family in my thoughts!

  2. Add me to the sick kids list!

    My daughter was also the first to throw up in her school about a month ago. I felt awful about sending her to school sick but she was fine in the morning.

    I will be praying for all the sick little ones.

  3. We all had the flu a couple weeks ago. It is so hard when your little one’s are sick. I will be praying for you and your little ones. And I will be praying for Becky’s family.

  4. Thank you so much for sending your readers to my post and support and pray for our family. I have had comments and even e-mails from your readers. It has been so encouraging. I just wanted to clarify and offer a PSA. Collin was misdiagnosed with H1N1. He never had it. He never had the flu at all. He did have an over-confident Pediatrician who thought it was H1N1 and diagnosed it w/o confirming his hunch w/ a test. We believed him at his word. That was our mistake. His pneumonia was brought on by another infection that was untreated. If Collin had been tested for H1N1 we would have found out it wasn’t the flu and tried to figure out what it really was.
    Thanks again for the food and the Blog love. Praying Joshua gets well and the rest of you stay healthy.

  5. Please give Joshua my love. I am praying for you all NOT to get sick again…unfortunately with joshua being in school for the 1st time this year…he may bring home alot. time to get on our knees and pray a hedge around him to keep the germs OUT!!!

  6. I read little Collin’s story today. It’s never easy when our kids are sick!! Poor little thing is going through so much right now.

    Just a heads up…there is SO much H1N1 going around out there right now, most pediatricians are choosing *not* to test for it. If it looks like flu, smells like flu, tastes like flu….it’s flu. Problem is…the H1N1 test is WRONG 60% of the time. It’s kind of a wasted test. A complete physical exam and follow up for kids who aren’t improving is key.

    Dh is a pediatrician in an urgent care here in Orlando and sees 20-25 cases of flu each shift. He assumes it’s H1N1 as seasonal flu hasn’t hit yet (99.9% of the cases that have the high end expensive testing done are showing H1N1) He speaks with lots of primary pediatricians and most of them aren’t doing the flu test either. It’s just so inaccurate it’s not even worth it.

    Praying for little Collin’s speedy and complete recovery and for the family to have peace in knowing Romans 8:28–all things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to his purpose. 🙂

  7. Jenny, I can’t leave a message for her because I am not giving the correct password and honestly I am not sure which one I used. If you could please pass along to her that I hope that it’s okay that I am going to add Collin and their family onto our church prayer list. And our thoughts and prayers are with her and the family. Thanks for being my messenger!!

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