#%!& Teeth

Zomgoodness I am in such a bad mood. My holiday cheer lasted about 24 hours after Christmas and now I’m full-on Scrooge.  This is primarily due to two reasons. 1) Joshua and Sophie have spent WAAAAY too much time together the past two weeks and are driving each other and me bonkers and 2) Jonah is getting about 16 million teeth in all at one time.  Basically I haven’t slept in about 10 days.  The child is up 3 or 4 times a night and is getting “up for the day” between 6:30-7:00, when I am used to him making it til 7:30 or 8 (after waking between 4-5 usually for a feeding before Toothapalooza began.)

As I have whined about many, many times on this blog, I have sleeping troubles. So getting back to sleep after these wakings is difficult.  And then by the time I get back to sleep it seems he is awake again. My jaws ache from the tension I have when trying, trying, trying so hard to go to sleep.

I have left b!tchy comments on a few people’s Facebook statuses today.  I am just not myself, and I cannot let your status about your future sexcapades go without letting you know that I DON’T WANT TO KNOW.  Whether you are happily married or just whoring around, I DON’T WANT TO KNOW. MMkay?  I mean, I don’t WANT to have to “hide” you but I will.  I’m sorry if my posts about my infant’s blowout poops gross you out, but posting that you just did the nasty on your dining room table is WAY WORSE in my opinion.  But hey, if you can’t handle the poop, feel free to “hide” me as well.  We’ll just have to agree to disagree on what’s grosser.

So yeah. I need some sleep. And my kids to go back to school. And people to GET A FILTER.  Seriously, if your MOM is your FB friend, don’t be posting that!! She doesn’t want to know EITHER!

So, how’s YOUR week going??

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4 Replies to “#%!& Teeth”

  1. Fortunately, your mother has no DSL in VA, and won’t know you used the word bitchy!


    Hope you get cheered- UP soon!


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