The first rough day

Yesterday was my first rough day with baby Jonah.  There have been rough nights, but mostly he has been really easy during the day.  Yesterday? Not so much!  Even with Joshua in school all day and Sophie in preschool all morning, AND my mom there to help me all day, I had my hands more than full with a super-fussy, unhappy boy.  He had really never been like that before and I was at a loss for what to do for him!

After a couple diaper changes I ascertained that his lack of poop was probably the problem.  Kiddo had something he was trying to work out and while up ’til yesterday he had been a super pooper, he just couldn’t make it happen.

So I held him and nursed him and swaddled him and rocked him.  My mom held him and rocked him.  He slept fitfully off and on, waking to wail and cry again.  It was exhausting.  I got out my Sleepy Wrap and figured out how to get him in it in the late afternoon.  That helped for awhile.  Then around 5, he had a really good nursing session and sometime soon after that, he made a magic poop!  Ok, I don’t really think it was magical, but it made him happy!  And then an hour or so later he made another one.  I have never been so happy about poop in my life.  Except for maybe when Sophie finally decided to start pooping on the potty.

But anyhoo.  It was a long, long day of frustration and exhaustion for both of us.  Again, I would not have survived without my mom there.  I literally did NOTHING all day but take care of the baby and read a million books to Sophie while I held him.  That is all that could be accomplished.  And it left me totally spent.

I love my sweet baby boy, but I am looking forward to where we’ll be 10 weeks from now…at least to where I hope we’ll be!

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9 Replies to “The first rough day”

  1. Just think…in a few short weeks, you will get that first smile from him (that he made on purpose, not from gas!) that will just melt your heart and make all the rough days totally worth it. My little guy is almost 4 months now and we are in a totally different place from where you are. Lots of smiles, grabbing for toys, SOME SLEEP, all the good stuff! It’s not far away for you! Hang in there!

  2. Empathy!….last January, I had a newborn too, also our third, and there were many days I survived only by the slimmest grasp on grace. Luckily, grace has it’s own tight hold. Spring will come!

  3. Hang in there! These days only last for a short time, thankfully. Take it one day at a time. You made it with Joshua & Sophie – you can make it with Jonah!

  4. Frist, UP’s comment is HILARIOUS!
    Second, hang in there, momma. By the grace of God, we will survive! (not just this phase but all of those to come.)

  5. hang in there—they really mellow out at around 8 to 12 weeks. We’re at 13 weeks now and it’s so much better than it was. Glad your mom is there to help you out.

  6. Aww, I feel your pain. My first baby was so hard like that ALL THE TIME! It seemed like he was always so unhappy. I wanted to tell you that I LOVE and SWEAR BY the swaddler! It is totally awesome. Both my babies slept in one for naps and at night until they were 4 or 5 months old. Good luck and hang in there! 🙂

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