The Itsy-Bitsy Lyricist

Joshua is a boy tied to his routines, and at naptime and bedtime said routine includes singing, in this order, The Wheels on the Bus, Itsy-Bitsy Spider, and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. He is also super-silly and he loves to insert nonsense words into the songs. For instance, last night, he sang, with giggles and gusto, “Twinkle, twinkle, little BLAG!” Blag is one of his favorite made-up words. But tonight, he “made up” (at least I really HOPE he made it up!) a new one. I had to interrupt our bedtime singing when he sang, “The wheels on the bus go round and round. All through the BOOBIE!”


Me: Joshua, did you say boobie?
Joshua: Yes.
Me: Honey, do you know what that means?
Joshua: No.
Me: Don’t say that, ok? It’s not a nice word.

“The wheels on the bus go round and round, all thru the…”

Joshua: Mommy, what does boobie mean?
Me: It’s another word for private parts.
Joshua: Ohhhhhhh! Now I understand!

“The wheels on the bus go round and round, all thru the BLEEG!”

I had to hold my laughter in until he was tucked in tight and I was in the hallway. I love his funny words but I hope he keeps picking bleeg over boobie when he’s making them up in the near future. If he starts singing “Itsy-Bitsy Vajayjay”, however, I am going to get very suspicious!

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8 Replies to “The Itsy-Bitsy Lyricist”

  1. Well…Shakespeare made up over 10,000 words, a lot of which we still use today. Maybe Joshua will be the Shakespeare of lyricists! 🙂

  2. Too funny! Kids and their words! I remember when my oldest was learning to talk, and she couldn’t say the “tr” blend; she would substitute the “f” sound every time a word had “tr” at the beginning (like “tree” became “fee”). Unfortunately, there are a LOT of trucks where I live. Yep, she would shout “that word” at the top of her lungs through the neighborhood, through the park, through the grocery store. The joys of being parent!

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