The Wonder

This evening I watched my husband give the kids a bath. It was a quick bath, the kind you give not because you really have time or especially want to, not because it’s “bath night”, but because, well, your kids stink. Because spring has sprung, they’ve been playing outside, and they smell like it.

It was late, past Sophie’s bedtime really, so Bobby washed them as quickly and thoroughly as he could. And while he washed, I watched.

What I saw mesmerized me. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from their shiny wet skin, their splash-inspired smiles, their saturated hair.

Surrounded by bubbles, laughing, playing, soaking, my children were so beautiful. As beautiful as I’ve ever seen them.

In the midst of something so routine, I was stunned by it. Awed. The bathroom was strewn with dirty clothes and towels, the laundry hamper overflowing, and yet in the middle of all that mess was such perfection.

My children. How could they come from me? I wondered.

And then I realized what I’ve known but had somehow forgotten. They didn’t come from me, they came to me, two gifts entrusted to me from a God who does all things intending glory.

Looking at them tonight in a sea of suds I saw glory more clearly than ever before.

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15 Replies to “The Wonder”

  1. Thank you for reminding us all of the wonderful children that God has entrusted us with….may this post encourage us all to stop and take a minute to soak it up!!!

  2. You know, I’ve said several times that I have a real hard time believing that Annalyn used to live inside me. (This is thanks to my crazy pregnancy and delivery, but whatever. It’s a weird thought.) And nobody seems to understand what I mean. The way you just described it – they came TO you, not FROM you – is perfect.

  3. Wonderful post! It is so nice when we can let all our worries and the hectics of our life go and focus on the important things. I love the way you worded it that out kids came to us from God not from us.

  4. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Whether you know it or not, God uses your eloquence to speak to others. Excuse me, I’m going to go marvel at my babies now.

  5. And God entrusted them to you because he knew you were the one to do it, do it right, and handle things just as he knew you would. Don’t forget that. God never gives us anything we can’t handle…and God gives us that cool gift of trust.

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