
A couple of months ago, I got an email from the folks at Vicks – a press release about how to fight the flu. I didn’t feel like there was any reason for me to spontaneously write about the flu, but I emailed back and said, “If you ever have any opportunities with VapoRub, give me a shout, because I looooooooooove VapoRub.” Ok, maybe I didn’t say it in those *exact* words, but that was the gist. I have a nostalgic, emotional attachment to VapoRub, and it is one of my favorite “feel-better” products when I am sick, or my kids are sick! I love the stuff!

So when that opportunity did present itself, and Vicks asked me to be part of their Blogger Brigade, I was more than happy to say yes.  Because this is a product I have loved since I was a little kid.

I love the smell (which it turns out, is a combination of Camphor, Menthol, and Eucalyptus Oil), I even love the feel (I can’t get behind the cream version.  I like the original, petroleum-jelly-like version!), and I love the effect it has of opening your airways and soothing your cough.  When I was a kid, my mom rubbed VapoRub on my brothers and I when we were sick and I guess that memory conjures up warm and fuzzy feelings of Mom’s TLC for me.  When I was telling my mom about this post, I told her I was excited to work with Vicks because VapoRub is a product I just LOVE.  And she said, “Oh, I love it too!  It brings back such good memories of a warm Vicks-soaked flannel cloth pinned to my PJs when I was sick as a kid.”

See, my mom passed down the VapoRub-love to me, and I fully intend to pass it on to my kiddos.  I started out using Vicks BabyRub on them when they got their first colds, and I still use it on them today (and yes, I DO already have some BabyRub ready for Jonah).  In my experience, it really works to soothe coughs and open airways!

If you have Vapo-love like I do, you’ll be happy to know that yesterday Vicks VapoRub launched a brand-new Facebook page!  You can check it out here and you’ll find helpful tips, advice, and news on how to keep the whole family healthy, as well as family-friendly cold and cough information and a forum for discussions so readers can add their own tips and seek advice from others!

Do you have an Vicks VapoRub stories?  I’d love to hear them in the comments!  And the Vicks folks would love to hear them on VapoRub’s Facebook wall.  Share the Vapo-love!


I am being compensated as a member of the Vicks Blogger Brigade.  My honest, slightly obsessive opinions about VapoRub are all my own!

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8 Replies to “Vapo-love”

  1. OMG – they have BabyRub???? I’m so buying that TODAY. Poor Jack has a miserable cough/cold and I wasn’t sure if I was allowed to use Vicks on a baby! THANK YOU!!!

  2. I big ol’ HEART VapoRub. We call ’em “love rubs” when you get some vapo rub rubbed on your chest. Love it.

  3. Have you ever rubbed the rub on your feet? Old wives tale that some friends swear by, but can’t say I’ve tried it myself!

  4. I love Vicks VapoRub! The only way I can get my kids to sleep through the night when they have a cough is to rub it on the bottom of their feet and then put socks over it…works every time.

  5. Just beware of the dangers on using under 2 yrs old. Studies show risks. Just google it!!!
    Below is taken from:

    According to an article published in the journal Chest, use of Vick’s Vaporub in children under the age of two can increase mucous production in airways already inflamed by a bacteria or virus, resulting in severe breathing problems. Because very young children have such small airways, excess mucous production can easily cause an obstruction that makes flow of air more difficult, resulting in severe bleeding difficulties. Vick’s Vaporub has been shown in several animal studies to significantly increase the production of mucous

  6. LOVE IT! used it on chest and feet of my girls when they had pneumonia! Was awesome! It will be used on 3 kids in my house TONIGHT!!!

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