Love the ones you’re with

I’ve been thinking about this for over a month, but I haven’t been able to figure out how to say it. So bear with me as I muddle through.

The internet is great.  I love that I have a place to come and spew forth my thoughts, my stories, my grief, my craziness, my joys.  I love sharing this space with Emily, one more gift in a life we’ve shared as cousins and friends.

And I love the friends I’ve made through blogging, near and far.

But mostly near.  Because there are amazing ladies I’ve met through blogging who actually live near me, and we’ve had the joy of investing in each other’s lives face-to-face.  You know who you are, #bigdealmoms!

So when I leave a blogging conference and everyone is all mushy-gushy about how much they miiiiiiissss each other and how they’re going through withdrawal, the cynical jerkwad in me just can’t buy it.  Maybe it’s just because I’m fortunate enough to have people.  I’ve got cousins and brothers and sisters-in-law and really wonderful friends, real-live in-the-flesh people. And as much as I love the blogging community, it’s my girlfriend down the street that I want to be mushy-gushy about.  The one who watches my kids when I’m in a pinch or helps me clean my house before my kid’s birthday party, and vice versa.  The one who knows my crap, sees me lookin’ like a hobo, and tells me I’m ok when I think I’m losing my mind.  It’s those people, my family and my friends that I love like family, that I want to embrace and be joyful with every time I see them.  Even if I just saw them yesterday.

So, there, I said it.

Let  the ones you’re with, be the ones you love.  And love the crap out of them!

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9 Replies to “Love the ones you’re with”

  1. I love this post Jenny! I rings so true. Although now I have that song stuck in my head “Love the one your with”….haha

  2. You’re talkin about me right 🙂
    love you always. I’ve told ur husband before, there is nothing you could do that would keep me from lovin you!!

  3. I understand your post today completely… At the same time though, you do not know other bloggers situations. I frequently have to remind the moms on my calling tree for our FRG, (Family Readiness group), that some family members really want to talk your ear off because you might be their *only* connection to the military. You are VERY fortunate to have your close friends and family so close to you. Perhaps others are not so fortunate…

  4. Totally agree!!! I don’t write a blog, and I’ve always wondered if there’s some other friend world that I’m missing out on. I decided long ago, that while I enjoy learning new things and reading funny stories, life can be very full with a few best girlfriends and my amazing family. Preach on!!!

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