She knows how to make a first impression

This is Sophie’s school picture for her first year of preschool.  They just came home with her this week and I loooove them!  Look at that sweet little face!

One of the fun things about Sophie being in school this year is all the friends she has made (like this guy, for instance).  Yesterday we had a playdate with her friend Dominick for the first time.  Of course the first playdate for the kids is like a first date for the moms – so I was a little nervous.  But I liked Dominick’s mom, Danielle, right away and we had a nice time.

The weather was gorgeous so we were sitting on the patio while the kids played on the swing set.  I was holding Jonah when Sophie approached the patio – I could kind of see Soph out of the corner of my eye, just kind of standing…

“Sophie, what are you doing?” I called over my shoulder.

“Umm…I think she’s about to pee  in the dog bowl,”  said Danielle.


I whipped around to see Sophie with her pants around her ankles, on her way down into a squat above a giant bowl of water for Danielle’s dogs.

I threw the baby at Dom’s mom and grabbed Sophie. “Sophie that is not a potty!  And we do not go potty outside!  We go potty inside!”

“I wanna go potty OUTSIIIIDE!” she screamed as I hauled her bare buns into the house and frantically tried to locate the bathroom.

After she had finished her business, we headed back outside where I reclaimed my baby, but sadly, not my pride.

“I have NO idea where that came from.  I promise you we do NOT use the bathroom outside at our house! ” I tried to assure the woman I had just befriended.  Luckily for me, she laughed it off and did NOT immediately show us the door.

I must admit I was flabbergasted – this really came out of nowhere.  I have NO idea why the Soph thought a giant dog bowl full of water on her friend’s porch would make a proper toilet.

But hey, since I didn’t let her make a literal splash, at least she definitely made a figurative one!

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13 Replies to “She knows how to make a first impression”

  1. I could totally see that.

    A. You don’t have dogs, so she does not routinely see a big bowl of water on the ground or floor with a dog drinking out of it.

    B. The training potty is bowl shaped and sits on the floor.

    C. The toilet has water in it and is bowl shaped.

    D. Therefore, I get how a four year old without a dog could infer that a bowl on the floor with water in it was a toilet.

    At least she didn’t actually pee in it! 🙂 Gotta love her, that girl.

  2. Good one, UP! We did have an outside toileting incident among our children, not mentioning any names,AAB, but it was in the privacy of our own yard. Our Sophie ramped it UP a bit!

  3. Maybe her little friend pottied outside (being a boy and all!) and she wanted to too!

  4. As we are outdoorsy people I imagine this will happen in my future. “But Mom, we did it while camping!”

  5. I feel your pain. First let me explain that we live on 13 acres. It is nothing for the boys (from a very young age) to whip it out and pee on any plant they see, when they are in the back pasture. As they got older, it didnt bother them to go behind the shed (up close to the house). I tried to tell my husband it was a bad idea. I told them all that we have indoor plumbing, and if they were up close to the house they needed to come in and use it, not pee outside. I told him someday it would come back to haunt us.
    Sure enough, one day the daycare called me and told me that the younger one had whipped it out and peed on the playground. I was mortified. I can imagine that every little 4yr old in his class told their parents about the little boy at school that peed on the playground.

    1. We also have several acres that we camp on, and we potty trained our son by letting him pee on the tires, etc while we were out there last summer. AND he has whipped it out in front of the neighborhood girls and peed. What can a mom do at that point? He was 3 and at least he didn’t pee in his pants? :-/

  6. Well she figured you were busy making new friends and she can handle the pottying situation and so she did! Too funny!! Good Luck!

  7. I just read this! You have to read the post I just wrote… it will make you feel sooooo much better. (at least it wasn’t a deuce.)

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