It Really is Great Being so Fascinating

This morning I had to pump some milk because Bobby and I actually have a date tonight (woot! woot!) and Sophia will need a bottle while we’re out. So, I hauled out the ol’ Medela Pump-n-Style and hooked myself up. Soon Joshua wandered up to take a look at the action. He’s always fascinated when I pump, and sometimes when I nurse Sophie, he says, “Are you gonna pump some milk?” and is always rather disappointed when I answer in the negative. Today, however, was his lucky day and he got a great dose of pumping excitement. He leaned in for a bird’s-eye view, let out a loud gasp, and exclaimed, “Mommy! Your private parts is moving!”

I burst out in an uncontrollable fit of giggles. He started laughing because I was laughing. “You’re right. The pump is making them move,” I explained.

Eventually he grew bored watching and went to play with his trains like a normal child (shew!), but when I was done he came back to watch me de-tangle myself from the apparatus. “Mommy!” he cried, “Your private parts are not moving anymore! (Pause, concerned look, pause), “It doesn’t hurt does it?”

Awww, genuine concern! I’m so glad to know he actually cares about me and isn’t just using me for entertainment!

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8 Replies to “It Really is Great Being so Fascinating”

  1. Awww. How sweet! 🙂

    There’s something about the pump that draws in fascination. That and the blender always had my oldest’s attention. LOL

  2. ROFLMAO!!!! Thats hilarious! Little boys are always facsinated with machinery, but this is a whole new level! “watch as mom gets squeazed and released” BWAHAHAHA

  3. You know, I had the Medela double pump. Cost me like $300. Found that the $18 Advent manual pump worked a lot better. Go figure!

    Have fun tonight!

  4. My 5 year old was trying to get a peek at me pumping before my birthday date yesterday. And he was once again disappointed that mommy has deemed him to old to see any part of my chest anymore.

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