It’s Almost Over.

I think Sammy is weaning himself.

He’s nearly 15 months old, and I know I should be prepared for this and ready for it to happen, but quite honestly I’m not. It makes me sad to think that he’s getting so big and that he’s not an infant anymore. I logically know this is true, but still, he is my baby.

We’ve been down to just nursing at night and sometimes in the mornings (when I’m trying to get a few more minutes of shut-eye), but lately Sammy hasn’t been nursing in very long stints – something much more exciting is always going on around him, and he’s soon ready to crawl off to find a ball or play with his sister. And the number one sign he’s just not that into it anymore – he doesn’t point and squeal at my laptop the way he used to when he wanted to nurse. (What? He thinks my laptop is somehow related to the nursing process, since it’s omnipresent when we sit down on the couch. Is that not normal??)

Tonight he was super tired and ready for bed, but I wanted to nurse him to sleep. I don’t normally do that, but tonight I wanted to pay attention, to make sure I remembered this night if in fact it turned out to be the last time he nursed. So we sat in the rocking chair in his room as we’ve done so many times before, and I just stared at him, trying to burn his soft little baby face into my memory. I want to remember everything about him.

He is my baby.

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7 Replies to “It’s Almost Over.”

  1. My daugther weaned about two months ago at 14 months- I know most mom’s are sad when this happens, but I was pretty darn excited. I don’t think she even noticed that she wasn’t nursing anymore- she’d much rather have a chicken nugget. πŸ˜‰

  2. I can still remember every detail of the moment when I nursed Olivia for the very last time…like it was just yesterday. I think it’s so important to just stop and enjoy those moments, because they are gone so quickly! Kids grow up way to fast…but each next stage brings with it new and exciting things!

  3. My daughter was 18 months old when we stopped. Very sad πŸ™ BUT we were both very sick for over a week and she threw up violently every time she nursed so she weaned during that time. Kinda funny now but not so much then!!

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