
I am having two distinct problems on different sides of my body.

(This is why I often refer to myself as functionally retarded.)

Little baby Jonah has decided that he only wants to eat off of my left side when nursing. About once a day I can con him into eating pretty well off my right, but that is not going to cut it!  I don’t want to be grotesquely lopsided, and I don’t want my right side to dry up!!

To complicate this matter, my left thumb injury (which makes my whole left arm hurt) is pretty painful at the moment and since Jonah ONLY wants to eat off the left side…it’s not as easy to “rest” my left arm (which is a joke anyways, I mean really, I kind of need both hands and arms at this point in my life.)

So.  When my left arm withers up and my right breast dries up…I am going to be one lopsided- looking mother!

I want to go on “Extreme Makeover: ‘I’m just Jacked Up’ edition”.

But seriously, how do I solve this nursing problem?  I swear I’ve got the same flavor coming out of both sides!!  Any advice??

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I Breastfeed Because…

We haven’t written about it in a long while, because it’s been a long while since Emily and I have had nursing babies, but we are big fans of breastfeeding around here.  I loved nursing my babies, even though Sophie wanted to hang on a lot longer than I did (guess who won? She did!  Because really, it’s all about what baby needs, even if baby is 23 months old!)

So that’s why we are posting today, during World Breastfeeding Week, about the “I Breastfeed Because” campaign from Ameda, a company that makes great breast pumps and provides allll kinds of support for nursing moms.  To spread the word about  how important and wonderful breastfeeding is, Ameda has launched a new website at I Breastfeed Because and is encouraging all moms who did or do breastfeed upload a short, 20-second video about why you breastfeed. Here’s mine:

For every video, comment or tweet shared, Ameda will make a donation to the Human Milk Bank Association of North America (HMBANA), a non-profit association of donor human milk banks established in 1985 to set standards for and to facilitate establishment and operation of milk banks in North America.

And, every mom who uploads a video will be entered to win the grand prize of a $2,500 nursery makeover or one of 25 secondary prizes — $50 American Express gift cards. Woohoo!  So go check out the site, share your story, and enter!

And tell us, if you breastfed – why did you breastfeed?  We’d love to know, too!

And in the interest of FULL disclosure, we are posting about this fully for the love of breastfeeding, and because the campaign was brought to our attention by one of our loyal readers, Cara, who works for Evenflo headquartered here in our area, the parent company of Ameda.  A cause we love & support + a reader we can support, + a local business we can support = perfection!

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It’s Almost Over.

I think Sammy is weaning himself.

He’s nearly 15 months old, and I know I should be prepared for this and ready for it to happen, but quite honestly I’m not. It makes me sad to think that he’s getting so big and that he’s not an infant anymore. I logically know this is true, but still, he is my baby.

We’ve been down to just nursing at night and sometimes in the mornings (when I’m trying to get a few more minutes of shut-eye), but lately Sammy hasn’t been nursing in very long stints – something much more exciting is always going on around him, and he’s soon ready to crawl off to find a ball or play with his sister. And the number one sign he’s just not that into it anymore – he doesn’t point and squeal at my laptop the way he used to when he wanted to nurse. (What? He thinks my laptop is somehow related to the nursing process, since it’s omnipresent when we sit down on the couch. Is that not normal??)

Tonight he was super tired and ready for bed, but I wanted to nurse him to sleep. I don’t normally do that, but tonight I wanted to pay attention, to make sure I remembered this night if in fact it turned out to be the last time he nursed. So we sat in the rocking chair in his room as we’ve done so many times before, and I just stared at him, trying to burn his soft little baby face into my memory. I want to remember everything about him.

He is my baby.

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