Viral Mother/Son Dance Video? No thanks.

Last week, another video spread like wildfire throughout social media. The video, titled “The Most Amazing Mother Son Wedding Dance EVER!!!!,” has nearly a million views.

If you haven’t seen it (and for some strange reason want to), here you go.

But here’s the thing.

Mother/Son wedding dances aren’t supposed to be amazing. They aren’t supposed to go viral. They aren’t supposed to be choreographed! They aren’t supposed to upstage the bride.

And for the love of all that is holy, they are not supposed to send a subliminal message from mother-in-law to hew newly-minted daughter-in-law with the songs “I Want You Back” and “Can’t Touch This.”

I’ll let you all ponder that one for a minute.

I just think the whole thing is wildly inappropriate, and I wish for the bride’s sake it had taken place before she had said her vows, so she knew exactly what she was getting herself into.

Listen, I am the mother of a son whom I love more than life itself. The bond between a boy and his mom? I get it. But, much like the promises I’ve made to Kate about not being an evil shrew when she picks out her wedding dress (and yes, she and I watch way too much “Say Yes to the Dress”), I am 100% confident in saying that that is something I will not do if and when Sam gets married. I just cannot conceive of how this woman thought that making her son’s wedding reception all about her was a good idea.

Narcissism with a dose of Oedipus complex thrown in for kicks. Gotta love it.

Don’t believe me? Check out this quote from the Daily Mail:

The video has now been viewed almost 800,000 and Kathy Bunker says she made a commitment to a producer from Ellen that she and her son would appear on the show.

I’m betting her son and his wife will make a commitment to appear on Divorce Court.

creepy mother son dance

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Last week, Jenny had her wisdom teeth removed, and shockingly, she wouldn’t share pictures of her self-described chipmunk cheeks. (Although she did update us every hour on the hour with the State of Her Face Address).

Knowing the world might not survive without Jenny’s famous selfies, our dear friend Andrea decided to enlist some of our friends to show support for Jenny in her time of need – and to make sure Facebook wasn’t selfie-less for 48 hours.

Andrea’s request? Well, she said it best herself in her emergency group facebook message.

I’m coming to you with a very serious request. For the love of God, do not leave this group message or mute it!

For the past 2 days, Jenny Rapson has been unable to provide us with our daily (sometimes several times a day) selfie. It’s as if the internets feel the disruption and are crying out because the selfies are missing one 30-something adult. WE CANNOT LET THE TEENAGERS SENSE THIS IS HAPPENING! Luckily, they have all been tweeting about their long weekends to notice.


While many bloggers are out there raising money for starving kids, building wells, dental hygiene, sex trafficking, real food (and other noble causes), this cannot go unnoticed.

Here is what I’m asking you to do.

Please take a selfie today (Friday) and use the hashtag #JRapFriends and #JRapSelfie. Either leave on IG or send to Facebook. We need a balance in the selfie interwebz if only for today until Jenny is back well enough to give us our daily dose of her selfies we all love!

Do this for the children.

Being the kind, caring group that they are, the selfies came pouring in.

Tess, Cortney, Shannon, Celia, Karla, Cherie, Jill, Andrea , Katie, Becky, Andrea, Erin, Shannan and Krista all answered the call of duty.

It kept me entertained all day long. Seriously, I laughed out loud at an inappropriate time in a meeting when I saw Jill’s PERFECT Jenny imitation.

But, not to worry, folks. Jenny was back to her self(ie)-admiration in no time.

"Here goes the spelling bee girl!" (and her mom who has missed admiring her face!)
“Here goes the spelling bee girl!” (and her mom who has missed admiring her face!)

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Proof that Jenny is more influential than Miley.

As you may have heard, the Oxford Dictionary added “selfie” to their list of real, actual words this week. Evidently that was the best that 2013 had to offer.

(Dear History Book Writers of the Future,
We’re sorry.
Everyone Alive in 2013)

According to Time magazine, here’s the justification:

“We don’t enter that many words from pop culture,” says executive editor Steve Kleinedler. “When we do they are ones that tend to be very widespread, very ubiquitous, used without further explanation.” And selfie, he says, is an example of a word that has become organically popular in a short period of time. “It’s a good word that shows the pulse of the nation,” he says.

The pulse of the nation. It is no freaking wonder the whole country is going to pot.

“Selfie” narrowly beat out “twerking,” a word made well-known by the unfortunate performance that we can’t un-see by Miley Cyrus at this year’s MTV Video Music Awards, for word of the year.

Miley might be famous for twerking, but we all know who is famous for selfies.

There are more where that came from. So many, many, many more.
There are more where that came from. So many, many, many more.

Jenny’s facebook wall pretty much exploded when news of the new official word broke. Who would have thought Jenny was so influential?!? We will definitely have to add this accomplishment to our media kit – I mean, not many bloggers can say that their face single-handedly got a word into the dictionary. This goes to show that Jenny is not only more influential than Miley, but she’s also more influential than me, because not long ago I proposed that “selfie” be among several other incredibly annoying words that should be abolished.

Jenny won this round.

Jenny loves taking pictures of herself not because she’s vain, but because she thinks she looks so damn good all the time. She just can’t resist. She loves her face that. much.

Wait, maybe it is because she’s vain.

Anyway, at her house, the apples aren’t falling far from the tree. Just today she caught Jonah in the act of admiring his reflection. The next thing you know, he’ll be starting his own blog carnival.

#doyourhair 11/20/13 #nofilter #beauty #hair #hairblogger #todayshair #toddlerstyle #vanity #toocute today's look is a combination of Johnson & Johnson Baby Shampoo, applesauce, and bedhead. Styling tool by @fisherprice. What does YOUR hair look like today?
#doyourhair 11/20/13 #nofilter #beauty #hair #hairblogger #todayshair #toddlerstyle #vanity #toocute today’s look is a combination of Johnson & Johnson Baby Shampoo, applesauce, and bedhead. Styling tool by @fisherprice. What does YOUR hair look like today?

At least it’s not a selfie of him twerking.

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