
So the baby is four months old, and I am finally starting to feel a *bit* like my old self.  I only have 10 lbs. left to lose.  The Wii Fit no longer says I am a fatty, it says I’m “normal” though I am RIGHT on that line and they way I ate cake at the the 4 million birthday parties I attended this weekend, I am afraid I am back in the fatty zone as of this moment, so I won’t ask the Wii Fit it’s opinion for a couple of days.

I still can’t sleep, so that’s normal, and believe it or not, I have been consistently showering AND putting on makeup every morning before I take Sophie to school.  I have two nice pairs of jeans that fit me NOW (thank you Lands’ End Blissdom sponsorship!) and most of my pre-pregnancy tops fit.  So I am decently clothed (until summer and I pray I’ll have shed that last 10 by then.)

But I still don’t feel quite back to me in one way.  Here on this blog, I feel like I’ve lost my voice.  All I can think of to write about is a funny kid anecdote or a whine, whine, whine, post but I don’t feel like I’m…relevant.   Like it’s all just meaningless chatter.

I’m struggling.  My days are filled with happy things but they are filled with hard things, too.  I am not adjusting as well to three as I’d like.  I don’t have a minute to just sit and breathe, like, ever.  And I try to get in bed as soon as the baby settles down about 9:30 or 10, but he’s been not sleeping so well lately and usually the first 3 or 4 hours is the best sleep I get ever and it’s been getting interrupted a lot…

I have LOST my ability to multi-task. Lost it completely. Can’t do more than one thing at a time.  And sometimes that is good, but sometimes it makes me want to hurl myself off a skyscraper.  Like when all three kids want something at once.

So anyways, that’s where I am.  I just wanted to let you know.  I’m trying, trying to figure out how to be me in this new context.  I hope you’ll stick with me as I work through it.

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Baby’s First Christmas?

So you know how a couple of days ago I was worried about my blood pressure and how that might send me to the hospital early?  And all those crazy “what-ifs” I was having? (Oh, and P.S. I am also toootally writing this at 4: 10 a.m. eff why eye.)

Well, turns out my BP was indeed pretty high.  Not high enough to send me straight to the hospital, but high enough to send me right back to the doctor today instead of next Tuesday.  If it’s still high today, it’s possible I may be having the baby this weekend to avoid any bad news for me and baby if things go longer.

Or, I could be fine, and we could stick with my original c-section date of December 26th.  Which was actually my 2nd date, the first was December 23rd, but then my doctor had to go out of town so it was moved to the 26th.  Which I was majorly bummed about because I actually wanted to have this baby before Christmas even if it meant being in the hospital Christmas Day (we most likely would have come home Christmas Day.)

But anyhoo.  Now I have no idea when baby Jonah will make his debut, and really, when does anyone ever?  My water could break tomorrow and it could be go time regardless!  (Not that I have ever actually, you know, gone into labor or had my water break.  But I don’t put anything past little babies.)

I don’t have a lot of faith in ye olde blood pressure settling down, to be honest.  And, I would really like to have him when my wonderful doctor can deliver him as opposed to when she is out of town next week!  So we’ll see…at least mine and baby’s things are half-packed now…my pajamas have been found and washed, and Emily has sworn to commandeer a helicopter if necessary to get to this birth!

Stay tuned…

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This is a new one.

So we’re all used to Jenny’s middle-of-the-night ramblings, but tonight (this morning?) I thought I’d treat you to some of mine.

It’s 3:00 a.m. I woke up about an hour ago, thanks to some serious wind and rain, which I was sure was a tornado. According to our local tv station, though, it was only a severe thunderstorm warning. What does that even mean? I’m pretty sure that if it’s a thunderstorm, we’ll know. And it doesn’t seem very action-oriented. I mean, should we have found shelter from the… thunder?

Anyway, since then I haven’t been able to go to sleep, which is quasi-unusual for me. I am generally a pretty good sleeper. In fact, I consider it one of my primary talents. It’s failing me tonight, though.

Want to know what is keeping me up? This BLOG.

When I woke up, I had been dreaming about a giveaway for the new movie “Tangled” that I’m supposed to do. Yes, you read that right. I can’t sleep because I’m supposed to blog about movie clips and associated t-shirts and silly bandz (stayed tuned tomorrow! Or maybe the next day…) I have about 10 more reviews/giveaways that I need to get up, like, yesterday and it is stressing me out.

Over-committed much?

Unfortunately, while the thought of blog posts yet to do is keeping me awake, I don’t really have the mental fortitude to actually do any of them right now.

So instead, you get a stream-of-consciousness blog post. Yay!

I also don’t feel well. I’ve been thinking for a few days that I’m coming down with something. But I really don’t have time to be sick. And with the recent decision to start bringing Sam to the daycare near my work (which btw, this almost-illness was surely caused by the soup I ate last week that was prepared by the children at said daycare. I should have totally turned around and left immediately when I noticed that I was the ONLY PARENT THERE. Hello new daycare mom, you are a sucker!) , there is really no point in taking a sick day, because I’d either have to a) drive 40 minutes to drop him off and then drive 40 minutes home and then do it all again at 5:00 or b) keep him home with me. And we all know how restful that would be. So off to work I will go.


The weather has calmed down now, and the sounds from outside have gone from alarming to relaxing. Perhaps I will be able to sleep now. You know, if my husband isn’t snoring and I can actually hear the rain on the roof.

Before I sign off this completely pointless post, I would like to point out one thing. When I awoke earlier, in the midst of dreaming about my to-do list, and heard the storm going on outside – despite my I-just-woke-up disorientation – I was immediately so thankful for having a warm, dry, safe home for my children.

Isn’t that just about all we can ask?

And on that note, I’m going to sleep.

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